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Campare tube between 5670, 396A & 6N3 (Rusia & china

SSWONG 發表於 2006-10-2 16:50:49 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Hi Brothers,

May i know anybody had done a comparison between GE/SYLVANIA 5670 with 396A and some Russia made 6N3? what's the diffences of their characteristic?
 樓主| SSWONG 發表於 2006-10-4 16:05:16 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank you for info.

U mean u had compare with GE 5670 and found Raytheon is better right?
 樓主| SSWONG 發表於 2006-10-5 11:19:03 | 顯示全部樓層
Brother superwhite,

Thanks for sharing experience with me last night.... let me have chance listen to WE396A.
Frankly WE 396A is more muical, clean and comfortable for long period listing especially for vocal. :wink:

As u said it is not easy to get, so i have to look for something easier to get which is better than 6N3 for temporary used loh :?
 樓主| SSWONG 發表於 2006-10-12 12:02:20 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi all,

At this moment only manage to get GE JAN 5670W.
Compare to WE 396 it's sound is softer, warmer, less transparent & less detail & resolution than WE396 but i like the sound, so nice & comfortable.....

my system is quite bright initially, after using GE, it sound much better...
Later will try to look for Tung-Sol.....
 樓主| SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-17 14:12:20 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi! Some sharing on the 6N3 type of tube which I had tested. The result given is base on my current system which is BADA HD-21, Audiolab 8000A & AE Aegis1. If not include tube performance this system is generally quite fast, detail, light with moderate bass.

Refer photo:
Start upper left:
1) Eclipse-pioneer (E-P) (initial name of bendix redbank~1950-1954)
2) Tungsol 2C51 (label of 2C51 in gold colour)
3) WE396A
4) United electric (UE)

Start lower left:
1) China 6N3J
2) Tungsol 2c51-different inner construction with the above (构造与先前tungsol不同)
3) GE JAN 5670W
5) BENDIX 2C51 (later version of E-P, similar construction)

以下observation is base on my system (组合)only.

1) TUNGSOL (UPPER) -整体比GE来得清晰,轻快,富有弹性,清脆及通透(蛮有胆味)。低音延伸略墙于GE但比E-P&UE弱。声底比WE&E-P略薄。蛮适合座地音箱。

2) ECLIPSE-PIONEER (E-P) - 清晰度和TUNGSOL相若,但声底较厚,低音延伸较好,高音比TUNGSOL略沉/暗但温和。人声不比WE甜美但蛮中性,较少音染(NATURAL) ,蛮爆得。较适合音乐(乐器)爱好者及书架音箱。

3) WE396A- 稍偏中音,人声极为甜美,声底较TUNGSOL&E-P厚但稍慢,低音不足。很适合人声爱好者及座地音箱。

4) GE JAN5670W- 温柔但整体比TUNGSOL&E-P略逊色(速度,清晰度&弹性等) 用于速度快且高分析力的组合该能拉长补短。

5) BENDIX 2C51-声底与E-P相似但整体略逊。(通透度&分析力略逊)

6) UNITED ELECTRIC - 高&低音表现不错但中音蛮弱,也缺乏音乐感。整体比TUNGSOL&E-P模糊。不太适合听人声。可能适合中音过强的组合。

7) 6N3J- (速度和分析力还可以,但高音过亮(有点刺耳),没什们音乐感。



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 樓主| SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-17 14:12:47 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi! Some sharing on the 6N3 type of tube which I had tested. The result given is base on my current system which is BADA HD-21, Audiolab 8000A & AE Aegis1. If not include tube performance this system is generally quite fast, detail, light with moderate bass.

Refer photo:
Start upper left:
1) Eclipse-pioneer (E-P) (initial name of bendix redbank~1950-1954)
2) Tungsol 2C51 (label of 2C51 in gold colour)
3) WE396A
4) United electric (UE)

Start lower left:
1) China 6N3J
2) Tungsol 2c51-different inner construction with the above (构造与先前tungsol不同)
3) GE JAN 5670W
5) BENDIX 2C51 (later version of E-P, similar construction)

以下observation is base on my system (组合)only.

1) TUNGSOL (UPPER) -整体比GE来得清晰,轻快,富有弹性,清脆及通透(蛮有胆味)。低音延伸略墙于GE但比E-P&UE弱。声底比WE&E-P略薄。蛮适合座地音箱。

2) ECLIPSE-PIONEER (E-P) - 清晰度和TUNGSOL相若,但声底较厚,低音延伸较好,高音比TUNGSOL略沉/暗但温和。人声不比WE甜美但蛮中性,较少音染(NATURAL) ,蛮爆得。较适合音乐(乐器)爱好者及书架音箱。

3) WE396A- 稍偏中音,人声极为甜美,声底较TUNGSOL&E-P厚但稍慢,低音不足。很适合人声爱好者及座地音箱。

4) GE JAN5670W- 温柔但整体比TUNGSOL&E-P略逊色(速度,清晰度&弹性等) 用于速度快且高分析力的组合该能拉长补短。

5) BENDIX 2C51-声底与E-P相似但整体略逊。(通透度&分析力略逊)

6) UNITED ELECTRIC - 高&低音表现不错但中音蛮弱,也缺乏音乐感。整体比TUNGSOL&E-P模糊。不太适合听人声。可能适合中音过强的组合。

7) 6N3J- (速度和分析力还可以,但高音过亮(有点刺耳),没什们音乐感。



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