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不好意思, 又有少少野想大家幫手確認一下. (問電阻及電感)

amp-kinder 發表於 2010-4-16 10:30:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
老amp的pcb上原來有不少電阻已壞了, 但原來電感的外觀跟4色電阻相若, 請問如何分辨?



因為有些電阻的兩端均不是金或銀, 或已有些已變了色, 同時亦發現色bar的距離相當平均, 故很難分頭尾, 可否幫幫手確認一下數值?


啡灰啡銀銀 (1.81Ω ±10% )
紅紅橙藍啡 (223000kΩ ±1%)
啡黑黑金白 (10.0±20%)
紅紅紅藍藍 (222000kΩ ±0.25%)
啡綠啡銀銀 (1.51Ω ±10%)
黑金藍紅啡 (600Ω ±1%) 或可能是 黑啡藍紅啡 (1600Ω ±1%)
啡藍紅黑啡 (162Ω ±1%)

4色如下 (不知是電阻還是電感?)

藍藍王啡 (660kΩ±1%)
紅紅王金 (220kΩ ±5%)
橙白王金 (390kΩ ±5%)

請問買的時候通常是講出數值還是講出顏色? 請問如果我沒有計錯/睇錯, 以上數值的電阻/電感容易買齊嗎?

如果真的弄不好, 且怕是時候放棄了, 謝謝多位前輩的幫忙和指導 !


(前陣子因為pc壞了, 令所有資料失掉, 所以要開過一個新户口.)
kk_ho 發表於 2010-4-16 19:04:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Check it by yourself.


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 樓主| amp-kinder 發表於 2010-4-19 10:40:01 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks kk_ho,

With Reference to yr illustration, may I confirmed that the appearance of the 4 & 5 bar resistors must have 1 colour bar printed on the wider section while the inductors have 1 on each of the wider section instead.

And the unit of inductor is "uH" rather than "ohm"

Thank you very much indeed!

But how about the other questions? Did anybody can lend me a helping hand also?

Thanks all in advance for consuming your invaluable time!
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