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MHZS 66E - is it grounded?

miqueli 發表於 2008-3-22 23:01:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

I was really drunk last friday and the next day I noticed that I have ordered mhzs 66E cd-player from e-bay ...

Now I´d like to know, are these players safe to use? I mean are they grounded etc. They don´t have ec sertification. I have heard about thouse chinese tube amplififiers, those don´t are grounded and have 2000 v just under the cover. How about these mhzs-players - I don´t wanna burn my house

Is it good player of quality?

Mikko from Finland
alfcat 發表於 2008-3-24 00:17:11 | 只看該作者
Dear Mikko,

Welcome, our Finland friend.

I have been using CD 33 for over 1 year and four of my colleagues also have this player. There are minor problems with this player (and so is your CD 66). Yet, none of us got our apartment on fire so far because of a poor grounding.

The one we got is using a 13A British Type socket. All three wires Live, Neutral & Ground are properly connected.

I think I better wish you luck with the eBay seller. I have heard a lot of poor comments about cheating sellers selling these MHZS players.

Final sharing. If you want to modify your CD 66, do it in ONE pass. The PCB of it is really poor and it won't survive modification after modification.

 樓主| miqueli 發表於 2008-3-24 01:13:36 | 只看該作者

Thank´s for your answer. May I ask what kind of bad komments you have heard about thouse ebay-sellers? Is the problem that they don´t ship the item at all or is the cd-player something else than "original mhzs". This seller has a great feedback and has answer my questions quickly, so hope the best.


Is this a decent player without modifications?

alfcat 發表於 2008-3-24 08:52:52 | 只看該作者
Dear Mikko,

It is a long trip to Finland and other European countries. I have heard many saying that their CD Player doesn't work or got problems after their arrived. There is no way one can tell whether the seller ships a faulty CD in the first place OR the CD was damaged on its way. Many people therefore leaves poor comments to these sellers. Some of these sellers just don't response as well.

The CD 66 got problems of its own. You can check out our threads in the DIY forums. Many of us modified it heavily. Unfortunately to say, some of the threads are in Chinese but many are in English.

Without modification, the CD player is OKAY. It is GOOD here in Hong Kong at a street price of around US$ 380. Very compatible (In my opinion) with other players at this price range. Changing the tubes to WE 396a should give you some surprise.

Again, don't expect good workmanship for this CD player. The PCB is of poor quality and the components inside as well. My first modification was changing the tubes to WE and the OPAM to OPA2107. Later, I used OPA627AM (pair).

Good Luck.

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