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This is a good example of “Helping others”

alant 發表於 2008-5-21 17:43:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
I post this video clip in Youtube because I think that this is a good example of “Helping others” from earthquake in Sichuan, China (中國四川地震) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezNtS6ViqQg

To me, “Help” is defined as an action is done from one person A to another person B while person A (自願) is willing to offer and person B (同意) agrees to accept.

I help others if only if I feel happy with, but regardless of whether it is correct or incorrect commented from others. It is because:
1) “Happy” means I am willing to do so. (自願), and
2) “Happy” means this action is correct relative to me. (正確)

“Help” is optional, but not compulsory. To me, if I am not willing to do, but forced to do, then it is not classified as “Help”.

B. regards,
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