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Bringing up Kids in Hong Kong

alfcat 發表於 2008-5-20 22:07:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Guys, lets talk here. Won't violate the principles in DIY forum.

I don't really agree with WINDWSS, perhaps the situation in Malaysia is different from that in Hong Kong.

Today, I figured that our kids are too "fragile" here in Hong Kong. Their IQ MAY be higher than us but they all drop behind in AQ, EQ. Whenever they failed, they don't have the strength to gather themselves up. They lack intention to work hard and can't persists; giving up easily (including their lives).

Distractions / Attractions should not be used as an excuse in my opinion. I learned so many things mainly because I got distracted / attracted. I played all kinds of racket sports, soccer, volleyball, etc. I do aquatic planting, raises all kinds of tropical fishes and keep numerous pets in the past. I would say, mainly because I got distracted / attracted. Attraction is the force of learning.

Let me give an example. I learned computer programming because I got attracted by my classmate programs. Therefore, I asked him to teach me programming and then I write my own programs to play with. Kids today, they got attracted by computer games but 99 / 100 won't bother learning HOW to write those games. They just "enjoy" the products of others and don't bother to do / learn the so called "difficult" things.

Curiousity kills the cat and frankly speaking, I (as a cat) learned almost everything by my own motive --- I drive myself to learn. And from the time I know my name, I am still learning after these 4X years.

Parents in Hong Kong pushed their kids too hard to learn this and that; Piano is the best example. Painting, Calligraphy, Abacus arithmatics, English ... and the kids just got "turned off". They already got flooded with duties assigned by their parents and got no time to really dig up / out their own interest. Eventually, they don't do well in what their parents assigned them ('cos no driving force) and they got no time to realise their real talents and interest.

May be I am weird. But what do you expect from a CAT?

SSWONG 發表於 2008-5-22 12:08:30 | 只看該作者
Dear CAT ,

Generrally i agree with you. Sorry, wrongly written, their EQ generally lower as they seldom communicate dirrectly with other, most communication on email/phone...

Obviously the youngster had much lower AQ (adversity), but what's the root cause of this?
During our time, if we fall down, parent won't care so much then we just get up n walk agian, they won't restrict too much on our activity such as go fishing, play with mud n so on....

I think the problem is not only in HK, it happen in the whole world and obviously in chinese community... thus we have the term such as strawberry generation & x-generation.

nowaday's parrent sometime over care, so the kids can't do that, can't do this, this is dirty, that is dangerous, so the kids become like the flower in the greenroom....or bird in the cage... of course their abilty to face adversity is lower...=fragile...

when kids try to invent/repair some electronic part (normal will even spoil further as they still not good in it or in a mess) then the parrent may just scold n stop them or just buy a new 1... in such condition how the kids has change to develope the ability to face & fix the problem?

besides, the environment is such a way that most parrent like to compare their kids with others, thus even a small mistake/failure of the kids may make the parent feel unhappy, thus the kids become very scare to fail, and they become pasive and not dare to take challenge on thing they are not familiar as they worry will fail....

In malaysia, more and more chinese parrent pass their responsibily as parrent to the maid (mostly indonesia) & school. They seldom really have time to guide the kids by themself, when kids not doing well they will scold the kids....or blame the teacher...

I found a lot of parrent try to pass/transfer their dream to the kids, so this poor kids is moving toward thir parrent's dream and not their own dream... so the inner drive force is not there, how to be persistent and consistent?


I'm also a weird guy, when the kids play with fire a lot parrent will stop them... but i won't i will play with them and let them feel the heat/ burning of the fire so they will can feel the paint n know the dangerous on this...and guide them on the precaution during playing fire...

when kids climb up n down, i will teach them how to climb correctly and how to avoid accident / reduce the falling impact and not just stop them from doing that.

I believe if kid want to do it they will do it, if u allow them do it infront of u, they will do so. If u try to stop them, they will do behind... (even dangerous as u don't even know what they r doing).

Besides, the movie also give a lot of influence....

A lot HK movie, when the actor face a lot problem/failure/set back their next action normally is smoke, drink alcohol (pasive action).....then untill other scold him/her and afetr some down time only wake up....and restart new life.

whereas if refer to most japanese movie... their next action after failure /defeat is to work harder, look for solution (active action)....((their down time with drinking & smoking normally not in the picture)
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2008-5-22 18:47:46 | 只看該作者

This time I totally agree with you.

Something really funny happened today in our school. One of the boys were suspected of cheating during a test / exam. The boy admitted he did peek around his neighbour and confested. However, his father came and scolded the discipline teacher, the teacher in charge of the exam. etc, saying that they "accused his boy of doing something he didn't do".

You can imagine what will happen to the kid? Even he did something wrong, the parent will "stand up" for him. Then, next time he won't just peek, he will probably take the answer book away from his classmate.

This is one of many typical parents we have in Hong Kong today. They dare not educate their child right and spend minimum amount of time with them. Whenever their kids got into trouble, they "support" them, thinking that this is the way to show their concern.

Two days ago, another kid was accused of hitting and bullying his classmate. His mother keeps saying that his son is a good boy and won't do anything like that though the whole class of 3x boys testified.

I really don't know what happened to these parents. As you said, they gave their responsibilities of looking up their kids to their maids. Whenever there is trouble, they will come out and no matter what their kids did, they will say their kids do nothing wrong.

I agree with your approach. If my girl wants to start a fire, I will start one with her and let her know which is the proper way to do it. That is why we cook together and many believed that letting a 10 year old to do the cutting and the cooking is dangerous. Unfortunately, there are many trees to climb in Hong Kong ... ha..ha.. else I will climb with her as well. I think we did that once or twice in the past.

Well, you can always climb up your fruit trees ....  :

alant 發表於 2008-5-22 19:42:46 | 只看該作者
This is an endless topic of discussion. I would like to express few words. May be, I would like to move my eyes upwards to get a macro point of view. Due to economic growth of Hong Kong, the education system adopted a lot of change from the past to the present. These changes exert a lot of pressure to all parties of student, teacher and parent. I would like to discuss each entity as below:

1) Student
The kids are the core of this system. Any influences from school, family and environment input to the kids. The root cause must not be the kids, but they are the result of performance reflecting the impact from difference influences. In capability, I cannot see a significant difference in kids between in the past and at the present. May be, I think that the kids at present is smarter than that in the past. Today, there are a lot of distractions/attractions to cause poor result of kids. It is not an excuse as it can be solved by a balance consultation from both teacher/parent to the kids.

2) Teacher
Recall the statement above “what do you expect from a CAT?”. I would like to rewrite as “what do you expect from a teacher?”. I have experience in both as a parent and a secondary school teacher because I did a temporarily job as a three months “supply teacher”(代課老師) at secondary school in the past because the original teacher was sent to government education department for training. I can understand their situation. The major source of teacher is the fresh graduate from university or education institution. The labor market is open which is a supply and demand problem with perfectly competition with private and government sectors. Don’t expect a teacher to be a superman or superwoman. In comparing the teacher from the past to the present, the quality of teacher is basically the same and OK la, or may be have better training at the present. Due to change of education system from one-stop open public examination to internal assessment in school, teacher has to do a lot of document work at the present which cause them fully loaded.

3) Parent
Some teachers complaint that it is difficult to teach a large discrepancy between students born locally and from China immigrant in same class. This is a fact. However, socio-economic problem always exists in education from the past to the present. In the past said 50’s to 60’s, most of parents including mine were fresh immigrants from China. Most of parents have not enough time to take care of their kids, that is same in the past and at the present. To me, I don’t think a big difference in parent behaviour between in the past and at the present. They do very good, but also do worst as well.

4) The education system
I am not an experienced educator. In this point, I take the role of parent or local citizen to criticize the current education system in Hong Kong. I basically feel very uncomfortable with it. When I was a student in the past, I faced only three public examinations in transition among primary school, secondary school and university. Internal examination became not important. We had less pressure and had a lot of fun to enjoy in school. Even you were lazy in school, you could catch up your result by pushing the study one year before public examination because the knowledge was simple.
At present, the public examination in primary school was cancelled and changed to internal assessment. Then, the pressure moves into school internal assessment which causes frustration from kids, teacher and parents. They are busy all the time to do different assessment, etc... I don’t know the difference in achievement between one-stop public examination and internal assessment with several years. Personally, I prefer one-stop public examination. If not OK in public examination, then attempt next year. Just simple!
I always heard a lot of change of education system from government. Why change? The coming big change is that the HKALE will be last administered in 2012 and merged with the existing Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination to form the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examination at the end of the new, three-year senior secondary curriculum. CAT, can you explain “Why?”.
In change management, we firstly set the goal of change. Then, implement the change strategy. Lastly, should measure the result with respect to achievement of goal in order to determine whether the change is successful or failure. Both feel personally and heard from different person that performance of student at the present becomes poorer and poorer. Does anyone measure it with respect to change in education system and make adjustment if necessary? If failure, please stop it!

In conclusion, my major uncomfortable is the current education system, but not kids, teacher or parent. I admit that change of education system is appropriate in order to match with rapid economic growth of Hong Kong from the past to the present. But, I personally feel that:
1) the change is too rapid, and
2) the change is too complex

which cause drawbacks to kids, teacher and parent at all. OK! a lot of words. Just express my feeling.  

B. regards,

1) http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E4%B8%AD%E5%AD%B8%E5%AD%B8%E4%BD%8D%E5%88%86%E9%85%8D%E8%BE%A6%E6%B3%95
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_Advanced_Level_Examination
SSWONG 發表於 2008-5-23 17:36:39 | 只看該作者
12 ask u, if you caught the student cheating during at the exam, and he admit, what will you do? what will u tell him?

If i'm the teacher, i will tell him " good, u have courage to admit, Washinton had done mistaken and have courage to admit" tehn ask the class to give a big hand to him on his courage to admit but tell him "wrong is still wrong, so still need to take action on him".....

while taliking to his parent, must tell them his son is very brave to admit thing he do wrong.... u know most parent want the "face" espeacially chinese parent : )

If compare malaysia with HK:

1) I think the quality of HK teacher should be better--> in malaysia most of our teacher is those who can't find job outside / can't enter university then only join as teacher. or we call "force" by the environment to be a teacher... half of them is not really volunteer... but i won't blame them as teaching our children is our own main responsibility.

2)i believe the education system in HK also should be better than malaysia--> since both HK & Malaysia in under UK, thus we are more on UK style. But HK government is much more effective thus the updates and changes in UK on the education should be faster.... the only different is that in malaysia, chinese student need to go through a tough time...as the education system is not fair here...we shall say it is lucky as tough situation always produce a better student : )
alant 發表於 2008-5-24 15:00:17 | 只看該作者
Using economic theory, the quality of teacher can be used to present the economic situation of a country at particular period of time as below:

Even the quality of teacher is good at two particular periods of time, the quality of new teacher from fresh graduate at bad economic situation is usually better than that at good economic situation in a country. In other cases, it can be self-explained.

Everything has “black and white”, so thus teacher. There are good teachers and bad teachers as well. Hence, I shall not totally believe teacher. I grew in Catholic school, there is at least one person in Catholic school who is willing (自願) to take care kids. They are the “father & sister” (神父及修女) who implement the mission from God. For this reason, I gave my valuable comments as above at free of cost to help God.

Due to political reason and special situation struggled to me, I shall not take part-time teaching post or visit school anymore unless it is solved. It is because people always like a “sticker” to me wherever I go. I feel very uncomfortable. For this reason, I delegate “qualified” teacher to take care my kids in education.

B. regards,
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2008-5-27 18:39:53 | 只看該作者
Dear alant,

I don't really get your meaning for the second half of the paragraph. I can understand the first part as it is pretty straight forward and most of the time right.

When the economy is prosperous, there are lots of decent jobs for graduates. Therefore, it is easy to come to the conclusion that those who can't find a good job will be the "leftovers" to take up teaching posts.

In poor economic conditions, even the gifted with have to look for a living and many "believed" that teaching post give good salary and the job is "easy" and "everybody can be a teacher". Teachers are BELIEVED to have "lots of holidays" and they can always "play around with kids" as they got supreme power at school.

I can't comment on others as this is not fair. I planned to be a teacher when I was in secondary. I always wanted to be a teacher because ALL the teachers around me are good. Although we do not talk very often, yet they are always there to offer help when needed.

I studied in a Catholic school as well and the Fathers were very nice to all of us. I thank God for them and really appreciate their work. Though many of them passed away but I still recall their faces and their teachings in life.

Today, different people got different reasons to be a teacher. As I said, many "believed" that teachers got soft jobs and lives are easy for us. This should be true 20 years ago when I first join the force as the students were well behaved and the parents were very reasonable as well. Today, if you have an enemy, I would suggest you to persuade him joining our force .... it will be a good revenge for you.

Today, I find myself exhausted not because of teaching but because of stupid beliefs. Beliefs like we have lots of documents ready = good teaching and planning. We have lots of documents "made up" = our students will benefit from it. Reports, proposals, evaluations, etc. are all eating up our valuable time. We become impatent when students approach us because on our desks we still have so many paper work to do. And there are still people out there thinking that having as much homework as possible = good teaching and students will be better off. Thus implies teachers giving less homework = lazy teacher not performing their duties.

As you said Alan, there are good teachers and bad teachers. Honestly, deep in the hearts of the students, they know who treats them well and is doing an honest job as a teacher. Unfortunately to say, the world today is so complicated. There are not just good / bad teachers but they are also good / bad students and unreasonable and unrespectful parents. Sometimes, it is no longer easy to tell who is right and who is wrong. Only God judges according to peoples' hearts.

 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2008-5-27 18:54:51 | 只看該作者

I agree with your approach. IF the boys admitted he did cheat, I think it is not right for us to disgrace him. Instead, I think it is better to check WHY he cheated. I recall I saw one top boy cheated once in exam., he admitted and said he can't stand the pressure of being poor in exam. He was very sick the day before and couldn't concentrate on his studies and can't find a way out. He was F.2 by then.

The situation in Hong Kong today is, even the boy admitted and we didn't exactly punished him, his parents will come and say we "frame" his boy. We have parents yelling at us saying that it is not possible for his boy to cheat and we have no SOLID proofs. Ended up the parent demanding us to apologize. How do you deal with that? Have a feel of what possibilities we are facing today.

I believe that a tough situation produces fruits that lasts (if they survived). The kids in Hong Kong now are too spoiled. Parents know about this but they just keep on doing this. They always think that they stand on their kids side no matter what = love them and support them. This is their way to make up for not being with their kids most of the time. So what do we have? Kids can't tell right from wrong. There is nothing wrong downloading pirated movies, music ... everybody is doing this. There is nothing wrong to cheat, just don't get caught. Even if you got caught, don't admit it. And more importantly, they don't even know how to cheat. For the last two years, we saw students handing in "photocopied" worksheets, thinking that the teacher can't tell. Some are so stupid that they photocopied the exercise first and then write over it again, trying to cover up the toner.

I just wish we can have more time with our students and they would listen to us. Today, the gap between students and teachers are getting wider. This may be my personal feeling ... as I get old ....
alant 發表於 2008-5-27 20:53:31 | 只看該作者
Dear alfcat,

There are mainly three implications in my second half paragraph as below:

1) In generalization, there are good teachers and bad teachers in any education institutions. If all teachers surround you are good teachers, then you are lucky. Everyday, you read newspaper, there is some news about bad teacher due to guilty of corruption, poor conduct, leading to poor school construction, etc... in wordwide.

2) Recap my memory when I was in Catholic primary and secondary schools, the people who I respect mostly were “Father and Sister”. I was seldom punished during school in the past, Father always made fun with me at that time. The Catholic school that I have taught in three months are also a reputable school with same Catholic society with my mother school (與我母校同一天主教會). The Fathers are interchangeable and know each other. All teachers in this school are good teachers too.

3) Over twenty years after graduation, I am a solid practical guy and experienced to deal with over thousands of senior executives locally and globally including fortune 100 company. My background of working experience is now open because my biography has been published in the 25th Silver Anniversary Edition of Who's Who in the World (世界傑出人名錄) at the end of year 2007 due to my achievement. Marquis Who’s Who ( http://www.marquiswhoswho.com ) is an international recognized organization in America to publish the biographies of millions of leaders and achievers from around the world. (個個都可知我什麼料) I am confident with my capability and believe that my comments are valuable (不是吹水). For this reason, I am willing to do if helping God. In fact, I am quite a business man to ask for money except this.

My total teaching experience includes three months “supply teacher” in secondary school to teach kids and less than one year part-time evening lecturer in local university to teach adult. My purpose is for interest, but serious. (不是玩玩吓那種). I understand your situation as a secondary teacher at the present.

B. regards,
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2008-5-27 21:33:13 | 只看該作者

One thing I really like about our Fathers (Jesuit Priests) was that they are so serious about their teachings, their discipline and their willingness to tell you how wonderful God is. I admire them as they can devote their whole lives to God and education and have this faith that they are doing this to help the next generation and please God.

Today, teachers like me face lots of challenges. Boys are naughty (take for granted) but we still need to love them. Tempted by earthly fresh, we tend to put ourselves in first priority. Not to mention with a family to feed and look after, sometimes I feel exhausted. Once in a while I will ask myself this question, do I still have the strength to stay here? Many senior students asked me why don't I join those tutorial schools. They give good money and less administrative work. I have this feeling that teacher and student relationship there are more like agent and client. I like to see my boys grow up ... this is something I don't think I can find out there.

I am far from being a perfect teacher but I always wanted to do better. I am not a workaholic but I won't be lazy. I just hope to see more good teachers coming into the field in the future.

alant 發表於 2008-5-28 00:38:15 | 只看該作者
Dear alfcat,

If the teacher from top brand one secondary school feels like that, it is difficult to imagine what a teacher from brand three private secondary feel?
Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun from our Catholic society has argued with previous government officer in-charge in Hong Kong Education (1998~2006), Fanny Law in education matters for many times. Hope that the present Secretary for Education, Mr Michael M Y Suen (2007~present) will be better and understandable.


B. regards,
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2008-5-28 08:34:04 | 只看該作者
Dear alant,

The students are more or less the same ... as I have said, they are expected to LEARN here. They are not perfect.

However, no matter what kind of school (or banding) you are in, you have to face so many documentation work these days. The admin part is killing the teacher. Not to mention the quick changing paste of the system.

I recall when I was in the school of education, professors from all over the whole agreed that just ONE minor change in the education system needs around 10 years. Look at what we have now ..... we have > 5 major changes in less than 10 years time.

I don't know why so many people admire the western system. Frankly, when I was in N. America, the high school is a mess. Uncountable drop outs, every day the Fire Ball rings at least once ... drugs, smoking, foul language, someone even starts a fire inside the school hall .... If their education system is THAT good, I don't think they should have these problems.

Don't have the impression that students in Band 1 school are less troublesome; they have other matters that we need to deal with. Students in band 2 - 3 schools are not equivalent to trouble makers as well.

alant 發表於 2008-5-28 13:13:29 | 只看該作者
Dear alfcat,

The ten year education revolution in the past is at the same period when Fanny Law has been in government officer at education department. I am really in doubt about her capability. I believe that our government is still healthy at the present after ten year transition period prior to year 1997, it is a problem of individual government officer and I comment her as a “Dog” government officer. "CAT" may be afraid of “DOG”, but we are not fear because we are the crocodile in the business sector.

The enhanced version of Chinese translation as below:

cheapie 發表於 2008-6-1 20:24:35 | 只看該作者

Parents please take charge

The Chinese has a saying: Age 3 sets 80.  The parents produce children, ultimately they are responsible for how their children turn out.  The first few years of a person's life really determines who he / she will be for the rest of his / her life.

Most parents these days leave kids from 6 months or earlier to their maids, who of course will not do anything to offend their little bosses or feel obliged to breed / train them the necessary skills such as problem-solving or self-discipline.

This is an alarming trend and parents and parents-to-be better be aware of it.
alant 發表於 2008-6-1 22:33:43 | 只看該作者
Politic is a high level game playing. The attendance of kids is not my questioning. It is useless to me if people use my kids as a political tool to persuade me. Nobody can influence my decision making including anyone from my family. Only low level people will use this method to test me.

In Chinese, it states: 做大事的人,會斷六親!

B. regards,
SSWONG 發表於 2008-6-2 11:37:04 | 只看該作者
I agree with alant's word "做大事的人,會斷六親!
In order not to 斷六親, i better do medium thing enough.. ha..ha...
From the history, we know a lot great people is doing great thing but their live normally end up unhappily as they are alone...not body is sharing their glory....

Dear Cat,

Frankly speaking, it become harder and harder being a teacher especially in secondary & primary school.....it would be easier to be the lecturer in university (lack of social responsible)....
I will to teach people but i don't like to be a formal teacher... like alant, i prefer teach as for interest.....

I agree with you that some of our education system is better than the western, their education system is emphasis on produce high IQ, genius and cerative student but not emphasis on the EQ, tolerance & interaction with people.

That's 1 of the reason i emphasis my kids my be sent to chinese school during their primary school time.
alant 發表於 2008-6-2 16:46:35 | 只看該作者
In my viewpoint, politic is adult's matter. Let adult to resolve. Don't involve kids.

With advance in technology, communication between people becomes closer and closer. A person in the south of world can speak easily with his/her friend in the north of world by mobile phone. A person in the south of world can travel easily in few days to north of world by airplane. Both the people and the society in the world are being changed from simple to complex. There is no absolutely judgment whether it is good or bad for this change. But, the environment has been changed from quiet and peaceful to noisy. In schooling, the socio-economic problem becomes more significant in comparing from the past to present.

I emphasize that Chinese, English and Mathematics are three foundation subjects in secondary school and they are very important language. For example, I encourage my kids to know how to consult a word from hard copy dictionary, rather than with help from computer. Although one of my expertise is computer, I do not suggest kid to stay with computer all the time. However, society becomes complicated. Students have a lot of things to learn in both school and society. Before totally absorbed, they need to learn other things. (使兩頭唔到岸). I feel the language ability of students becomes poorer and poorer at the present.

I agree with WINDWSS that it becomes harder and harder being a teacher especially in secondary & primary school in comparing to university because I have experienced in both of jobs before. Excluding the reason of salary, I personally prefer the job in university rather than that in secondary school because I feel more concentration in academic work. If you are capable to handle lesson/lecture in both school and university, then you feel job in university is easier. It is because teachers need to handle a lot of socio-economic problems such as discipline of student, parent complaint, etc... in secondary and primary schools, then they shall feel totally exhausted and over-loaded.

The world becomes more and more complicate particularly in the society of prosperous cities such as New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Toronto, etc... The age of people that starts to feel pressure becomes younger and younger. You cannot do a simple person. (你不能做個簡單的老實人) Depending on different person's goal of life, my slogan is “sufficient is enough”. (知足者常樂) However, I feel that it is another story in Hong Kong. I want to stop because I feel enough, but people push me to go ahead. I pretend to loss because I feel enough, but people push me to win. (人在江湖, 身不由己) I feel that my privacy is totally influenced and under controlled as well as my energy is totally exhausted.

B. regards,
SSWONG 發表於 2008-6-2 17:45:11 | 只看該作者
Dear Alant,

I agree with you that politic shouldn't involve the kids but we have to understand that when there is human there will be politics. Kids is also part of human so very hard for them to be excluded from politics.
Frankly speaking kids is the weakness of most people when use as tools.

Society today become more and more complicated, the portion of black & white become smaller and smaller and the gray area is keep expanding...

Hk is really a competitive place....i think the term survival for the fittest is suitable to describe the competition in HK....

Anyway i sometimes admire the HK people as they can critic /scold the politician openly, this is 1 of the effective way to release pressure & tension .... whereas in Malaysia we can be easily put in the jail without any reason when voice out to critic top politician.
cheapie 發表於 2008-6-2 20:22:44 | 只看該作者

Different Views

I beg to be different, regarding western education.  

Having gone through 5 years of 'stuffed-duck' secondary education in HK, and 2 years of eye-opening matriculation classes, also in HK, I went to Canada for university studies.  There I stayed for 27 years before returning to HK.  During that itme I raised a family, have two sons now in their mid 20s that I am very proud of.  I have met their fellow students through their school years and found them to be just aspiring, polite and industrious as the ones I had when I was a student.  

So I cannot say whether the Chinese or the western education systems are better or worse.  But from personal experience I'd like to repeat myself, parents make all the difference.  We must not blame schools, teachers or education systems, at whatever stage of reform they are going through.
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2008-6-3 19:07:52 | 只看該作者
Dear Cheapie,

I agree with you. I don't think any particular system is better. The system is indeed just a pre-set system, it can't cater for everybody's need as we are all different. However, our children should always be our responsibility, no matter whether we bring them to this world intentionally or un-intentionally.

Today, I see so many parents just focusing on their own affairs; work, leisure .... and they have all kinds of excuses for that. Whenever their kids got into trouble, they "stand" behind their kids saying that their kids did nothing wrong and it is other students or even the school who framed his son ...

I told my superiors, we don't need to interview the boy who wants to get into our school. It is better off interviewing their parents!

SSWONG 發表於 2008-6-4 17:02:39 | 只看該作者
Dear Cat,

Your comment to your superior is really good and straight to the point! Should interview the parent.
For me most kids still have space of change & improvement so can be educated but parrent's mind is almost fix hardly change. By interview the parent you will roughly know the way they take care of their kids.
alant 發表於 2008-6-4 18:54:44 | 只看該作者


B. regards,
cheapie 發表於 2008-6-4 20:47:21 | 只看該作者

Our Respect

Dear Alan

Seems like you are currently having a rough time, being setup for something not of your own doing, based on the tone of your past posts to this thread.

Rest assure that you have here a group of true friends who ask nothing from you and will do nothing to harm you.  

I, for one, will wait patiently for your voice again.  On the other hand, if you are willing to confide in someone to unburden yourself, I am also all ears and will keep everything confidential.

With deep respect
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2008-6-6 09:46:58 | 只看該作者
Dear alant,

Although I don't exactly know what happened to you but from what you've typed, it looks very familiar to me.

I think 天下烏鴉一樣黑, no matter where we live or work, things like this will always happen.

Just take things easy, clouds will clear one day and we can see the sun shining again.

I don't think I can help you much for the time being. As a Christian, I can always pray for you and your son. This is what we treasure. :wink:

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