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alfcat 發表於 2007-6-12 15:06:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
I like FISH / Water Plants and I like CATS too. That is why I am called "alfcat".

I lost my 48" tanks photos but I kept my cats' photos. These two are my current ones. I used to have another 3 but I put their photos away. Need some time to dig them up.

Hope you like these two.


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 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-6-12 15:10:37 | 只看該作者
TinTin is VERY naughty but at the same time very calm and nice.


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harrypoon 發表於 2007-6-12 18:38:29 | 只看該作者
I like pets very much.  But one of the obstacles that prevents me from getting one is how to prevent them put scratches on or do other damages to my hifi equipments.  What is your experience on this?
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-6-12 18:59:14 | 只看該作者
Hi hpn,

There is NO short cut to this. Cats are like humans, they act very differently. You see my White Cat here. I have another one which is a Queen. She just drove me crazy. Finally, she jumped out of the window one day when she was around 2years old and ended my nightmare.

For cats, you MUST have at least ONE scratching pole. I have two. Sometimes they like to scratch on the carpet .... that is still better than my Hi Fi .. right? The 3M carpet just cost me $ 1xx .... and they can use it for over 2 years.

Second, choose a "predictable" breed. For example, Persians are quite "lazy" when they grow up. British / American Short Hairs are pretty nice and managable. DON'T take DOMESTIC CATS ... no matter how "caring" you are. If you want to help those poor cats, donate to SPCA but don't take them home if you got expensive Hi Fi. I can tell you about this 'cos I used to have THREE of those .... Luckily, I have no expensive Hi Fi at that time.

Third, the least used one .... Chemical Warfare. Cats don't like certain smells, e.g. MINT. I put Camphor on places which I don't want my cats to go. And you can put Masking Tapes as well. They don't like something that sticks onto their feet. Soon they will remember "Don't cross that line ..."

Will post more of my cats photos later. Hope this helps. You are welcome to drop further questions here.

harrypoon 發表於 2007-6-12 19:28:57 | 只看該作者
Wow, alfcat, really need to put in some efforts to enjoy best of both worlds.  To me, taking into account of other factors (such as time to care for them - on that I believe cats are easier than dogs, my wife's inclined fear of jumping creatures...), looks like an easy way out is to have a good next door friend who also likes pets.

Having said all these, I still have not totally ruled out the possibility of getting one!
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-6-12 20:43:01 | 只看該作者
Dear hpn,

Don't lose hope. I waited almost 30 years before I can really have my first cat!

Cats are easier to care for than dogs. One, they don't bark which disturbs your neighbour. Two, they don't need the "walk". Three, they require less of your time; you mind your own business and it minds its. Once in a while, it will want your company ....

Short hair breed are even easier to care for. Long hair ones need grooming everyday (10 mins or so).

Cats DO jump around .... but they won't bump into you. You (or your wife) will get use to it if you have it at its early stage ... while it can't jump HIGH ... ha.ha.. you will see it is really funny to see it jump. And cats won't jump for nothing. It has a PURPOSE before it jumps.

BTW, I like dogs too ..... just don't have the time to take them for a walk. And honestly, sorry to say to all dog lovers ... dogs STINK  :shock:  ... Cats don't   :
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