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opa 627bp in MHZS cd33

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-7 23:13:08 | 只看該作者
Hi, alfcat

1. Changed the 2 solen scr cap 0.22uf 630v to jensen 0.22uf 630v copper foil
(golden colour in my photo) around $440. brand new, you can find 2 hand market around $300.
2. Changed 0.33uf of M-cap to jensen copper foil 0.33uf 630v siliver colour) which beside of the tubes cost around $250.
3. changed robyon 10uf/100v which behind of the tubes to Black-gate non polor 10uf/50v  (red colour ) around $90.
4. changed the e-cap of power supply.
5. lastly, add re-clock system bule colour pcb , which shown in my cd 33 photo costs around $200.

thank you for sharing.
alfcat 發表於 2007-6-8 17:37:28 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

My OPAMPs just arrived today as expected. Will try to use them to replace the original one by one to see / hear the difference. As there are construction work right opposite my home, need to wait > 7pm then I can have some quiet time to listen to music.

Still trying to figure out all those components you mentioned. As stated earlier, I am totally novice to electronics ... but I will see how many of those I can guess right.

When replacing the caps, you solder the old ones out completely or "cut at their feet" and then mount the new one on the "old" cap's feet?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-8 18:19:43 | 只看該作者
Hi alfcat,

I solder the old ones out completely, and clear the solder points.

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-8 18:22:25 | 只看該作者


alfcat 發表於 2007-6-8 22:19:24 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

I have tried out the OPAMPs in the following sequence:

1. OPA2228 to replace the OPA2604. Sound Clarity greatly improved. Like
    in singing, you now 咬字清楚了很多.

2. OPA2107 to replace OPA2228. Even BETTER sound clarity, starts to hear
    poor recording effects (e.g. singer not so ... good in singing). The
    "dimension" of sound improved.

3. OPA637BP ... PROBLEM! After I plug the 637BP into the socket, there is
    sound coming from ONE channel only. What is wrong? This chip cannot
    be plugged like the 2228 or the 2107? Please advise .... HELP!!

I cannot access this forum at around 9pm ... should have replied you earlier .....
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-8 22:49:10 | 只看該作者
Hi alfcat,

Because the gain of OP637 is great than 5, others is under gain 5.

so MHZS cd33 cannot use op637. OP627 is no this problem ,because its gain is under.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-8 23:12:17 | 只看該作者
Oh my goodness, I have to sell the 637 out then ... sigh.

BTW, from the photos you posted, you seem to have TWO 627AM installed. Why is that?
alfcat 發表於 2007-6-8 23:32:34 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

Also one PROBLEM I just realised. As it is getting dark and the environment is quiet, I "think" the High Pitch is a bit toooo high with the 2107. For musical instruments, it is acceptable. But when I play 陳潔麗 disc .... it is kind of distorted when it comes to the very high pitch.

I am not sure what caused the problem. Will double check with other people to see if they have the same feeling as I do.

Will keep posting the results.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-8 23:59:12 | 只看該作者
hi alfcat

You say 637 only have sound from one channal. are you put one bp637 in IC socket. It should be wrong.
The op637 is 單聲道, so much two bp637 in 2轉1 IC socket like my posted before.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-9 07:15:48 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

I can't find a close up Photo of your OPAMP. I think you have use somethiing like an IC socket as you have those white "film cap" added as well.

I gone through almost all the pages here .... Do you think you can explain how you do it here again as I am totally ignorant in this.

Sorry for the trouble. Many thanks.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-9 10:04:59 | 只看該作者
good morning, alfcat:

those white "film cap" added is for filter use, it let the sound smooth..
this 2to1 IC socket can get it from vocaviteaudio.com cost $10 to $15.

It does't matter. we are diy.
would you mine to post you modified MHZS CD33 for sharing.

Thank you for sharing.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-9 10:09:38 | 只看該作者
Hi alfcat,

close up photo :


alfcat 發表於 2007-6-9 10:56:42 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

I have that photo but I don't know HOW you do it .. ha.ha.. I am an idiot in this, sorry.

You need a IC board or something? How do you match the TWO 627AM and the TWO white Film cap onto that SIO 8?? socket

Please advise. Thank you
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-9 16:42:58 | 只看該作者
hi alfcat,

would you mind leave you tel to my e-mail

i will contact you soon.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-9 18:05:00 | 只看該作者
Thanks for the call.

My other two colleagues are now waiting for my test on the OPAMPs. They are going to modify their CD 33 as well.

We just ordered 3 matched pairs of Bendix 2C51. Hopefully it will arrive next Thurs or so. Will compare them with the WE 396A and see how well these 195x produced tubes are.

I normally do the ordering from them, buying the necessary items from USA. Buying from eBay is sometimes risky. I been trapped a few times as well.

We are teachers; that is why we will have more spare time after next week as exam is going to start .... :wink:

Will go to Ap Liu Street on Monday as I will be off by 2pm

Keep in touch.
alfcat 發表於 2007-6-11 10:38:15 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

My Hi Fi Fan colleague believes that the "distortion" in the High Frequency part is caused by the Caps. He suggested me to change the CAPs as well.

I followed your messages and your photos and see if I have matched the items you mentioned correctly.

For the PCB on TOP Right of the Transformer. You used TWO Jensen 0.22uf/630v (Silver) --- located at the Left Hand Side of the PCB.

Then you use a 0.22uf/630V Jensen Pure Copper Foil (lower RIGHT to the TWO Silver Jensen).

On the TUBES PCB, you use a Jensen 100uf/150V (right underneath the RCA heads). Then you use Jensen Copper Foil 033uf/630v (next to the OPAMP).

I can't find the Black Gate non polor 10uf/50v (which you said is RED).

What are the 3 Green + 1 Brown CAPs LEFT parallel to the Tubes. I think you suggested us to replace the original as the originals are not for Audio Use. Is that correct?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-11 11:57:45 | 只看該作者
Hi alfact,

beacuse finally i used black gate non polar e-cap. so the photo which shown before are use black gate normal garde.(balck colour).

What are the 3 Green + 1 Brown CAPs LEFT parallel to the Tubes. I think you suggested us to replace the original as the originals are not for Audio Use. Is that correct?
ans: yes.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-11 13:03:51 | 只看該作者
No wonder ... I thought the photo got problem (Black --> Red)

And you upgraded the OPAMPS caps as well ...

So what BRAND and ratings are the three Green & 1 Brown CAPS? Did you use Panasonic or ...

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-11 14:05:29 | 只看該作者
Hi, alfcat,

I also upgraded the OPAMPS caps to Elna Cerafine e-caps.
the best is black gate e-cap but elna is cheaper than black gate,
the sound is 80% close to black gate, so it is very good e-caps in my view.

three green colour e-caps are Nichicon Muse e-caps old stock brand new.
I buy it in http://www.soundexplorer.com/home/home.htm
The brown caps is Elna A3 e-cap for audio.
Those e-caps around HK$25 each.
The rating is same as the original rubyon e-caps.
I have use panasonic FC grade e-caps. not good result.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-11 21:40:09 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

My colleague said what you used are very HIGH Grade and expensive. The quality of sound you get from the CD 33 should be very very good.

I will shop around for the CAPs by the end of this week after my BB finished her final exam. Need to watch over her for the coming few days.

Will plan for what I get at present as I think it will be better for me to go step by step and don't try to do everything in one time.

My Bendix tubes got delayed. Probably won't arrive until Friday or so. Will tell you what they are like after I test them out.

See you.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-11 22:28:41 | 只看該作者
hi alfcat,

i hope to hearing the result of the upgrade cd33 soon. and post it  to sharing with the  members.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-12 13:19:29 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

My first step will be changing the 3 Brown & 1 Green Cap + the TWIN cap next to the OPAMP + the one in front of the RCA socket and finally the one next to the socket.

The clock will be the second stage.

Will for sure post the photos ...

I think you once mentioned that the PCB of the CD 33 is not that "solid", it can easily breaks ... is there any precautions I need to take?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-12 17:00:24 | 只看該作者
hi alfcat,

i will call you later.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-12 22:08:24 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

Thanks for your call and advices.  

My Bendix 2C51 arrived. Plugged them in and make a comparison with the WE 396a.

Frankly, with my system, the Bendix is even more "natural" than the WE 396a. Vocal is OPEN, CLEAR and SOLID.

Funny thing is, I mentioned about the High Pitch Distortion with the WE. It is not that significant with the Bendix .... I don't know why .... is it because the Bendix has less "requirements" on the equipment while producing good sound at the same time. Whereas the WE 396a .. your other peripherals have to be GOOD to match them.

I am thinking of selling my WE 396a out as now I have the Bendix. I will have a spare pair of Bendix too in the future... ha..ha.. and I have to sell that pair as well.
alfcat 發表於 2007-6-12 22:13:54 | 只看該作者
My Stock of WE 396a.

The 12-51 are very close to MATCHED.

The 10-51 has a lower rating.


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alfcat 發表於 2007-6-14 10:50:42 | 只看該作者
Dear Viewer,

Just to clarify something. On Page 3 of this thread, you posted PHOTO1 which shows the layout of the area around the TUBES.

1. Right NEXT to the tubes, you have TWO Jensen Copper Foil 0.22uf/630V.

2. Right next to the RCA plugs, you have ONE SILVER cap. That is the 0.33uf/630v. That is a Jensen Aluminium Foil Oil Cap.

I decided NOT to change the Power Supply side caps now ... as out of money, ha..ha..

3. Do you recall the ratings for the Nichion Muse e-cap and the Elna A3 e-cap?

4. What cap (& rating) do you suggest me to put on the OPAMP PCB?

I will go to SSPo and Mongkok to get the caps today. Will start the modification tomorrow after my BB finished all her exam. Will post the photos by then.

Many, many thanks for your help and advice!
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-6-14 12:21:48 | 只看該作者
Hi alfcat,

2. Right next to the RCA plugs, you have ONE SILVER colour cap. That is the 0.33uf/630v. That is also a Jensen copper  Foil Oil Cap.

3. These are the same ratings of the original e-cap.

4. I suggest 0.1uf  to put on the OPAMP PCB.

kk_ho 發表於 2007-6-19 02:05:48 | 只看該作者
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kk_ho 發表於 2007-6-19 02:07:39 | 只看該作者
When I back to work in hififever after Oct.

I think the first teaching class is

CD modification for MHZ 33,66

Any comment ?
alfcat 發表於 2007-6-19 09:00:40 | 只看該作者
Dear KK Sir,

You mean you will go back to Hi Fi Fever this Oct?

I would say YES  =D>  if you start a class for modifying CD 33 / 66.

This is one cheap machine to start off with and there is plenty you can do.

BTW, is there anyway you can help me to test whether my CD got any distortion?

秋官 said you probably mistaken me with another colleague of mine -- 肥鍾, who is the English Teacher and you helped him to modify the Marantz CD 80.

alfcat 發表於 2007-6-21 11:19:02 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer,

I have been VERY BUSY these few days as all of a sudden, the EMB said they need to come to our school for inspection ...  :?  Need to prepare all the necessary documents.

I have used the 2 to 1 IC stand and put the OPA 637BP into my CD 33. However, didn't have the chance to test it out as I put them in at 6am this morning (working all night for the papers).

Will tell you how I feel about the 637BP later tonight (after 8pm) when I got the chance to make the comparison.

Will try to do the CLOCK thing by the end of this month after I got my pay cheque.  :wink:
kk_ho 發表於 2007-6-22 00:40:01 | 只看該作者
Inspect your CD player.........

They are Hi-Fi Lo
alfcat 發表於 2007-6-22 15:26:49 | 只看該作者
Dear KK Sir,

> They are Hi Fi Lo

I don't understand. What do you mean by the above?
superwhite 發表於 2007-9-3 21:09:07 | 只看該作者

i'm back!  :wink:  how are u lately? n how was your CD33? hope you can enjoy it much as i do.   pls up date me with any new thing impliment on your CD....

Hi bro alfcat
nice WE tube, i love it so much..... hope you like the lovely sound of WE, as i enjoy this tube so much....
alfcat 發表於 2007-9-3 22:34:42 | 只看該作者
Hi SuperWhite,

It has been a while. I always wonder where have you all been. I have learnt a lot from you guys in this forum on the CD 33 thing. Thank you so much for sharing / teaching me as well.

I have done some other modification after you guys finished your job on the CD 33. I posted them in the DIY forum. Since many people here are not comfortable with English, so I write all those in Chinese. Can you read Chinese?

The WE tubes are EXCELLENT! I love them very much. I also have a pair of Bendix but the WE gives better gain and better S/N ratio. I am thinking of acquiring one more pair. However, it is not easy to find and quite expensive too.

Keep posting  :wink:
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-9-4 13:43:11 | 只看該作者
hi superwhite,

I am fine. Are you?   
I have no new project for my system, i am enjoy it.
our  friend Mr.Alfcat, he modifity cd33 very well, i will follow him to modifity too.
Any new suggestion for improvement on cd-33??????
Any mew project for you system ?????

SSWONG 發表於 2007-9-4 14:43:35 | 只看該作者
[quote:31d0895900="superwhite"]Hi Bro VIEWER n WINDSS,

i'm back!  :wink:  how are u lately? n how was your CD33? hope you can enjoy it much as i do.   pls up date me with any new thing impliment on your CD....

Hi bro alfcat
nice WE tube, i love it so much..... hope you like the lovely sound of WE, as i enjoy this tube so much.... [/quote]

Recently just start DIY simple amp, 1 is the simple headphone amp (shld be finish by this weekend).
Another project is DIY a preamp using 6N3 tube.... still in the process....

alfcat 發表於 2007-9-4 20:31:00 | 只看該作者
Dear DIY friends,

Viewer is just kidding. I learnt a lot from you fellows. Mr. K.K. Ho also taught me some nice and neat tricks. He told me that I should go ahead and do the Power Supply part of the CD 33 first (provided that my CD 33 has no wave form distortion).

I did go ahead and followed KK advice. Change the capacitors to Black Gate (a bit expensive. I would say Elna should do the job). Change the caps on the Digital portion to Sanyo OS-CON. Finally, took out the diodes and change part of them to 1060. Took me almost 2 hours to have everything done. But the improvement is audible. Now waiting for the Black Gate to run in.

You can also check the posting I did in the other thread.


Keep in touch
SSWONG 發表於 2007-9-7 12:34:14 | 只看該作者
Hi, Alfcat,

At power sides, imo BG is the best. If compare to Elna BG is lower noise with better detail/resolution. But damn expensive especially for high voltage cap.
alfcat 發表於 2007-9-7 20:30:07 | 只看該作者
Mine cost me around HK$ 800. You are in Malaysia? Should be around $280? in Malaysian dollars?
soundfocus 發表於 2007-9-19 10:18:57 | 只看該作者
Dear all,

Hi Viewer, Hi Superwhite, Hi Windwss

I'm Abhader08
soundfocus 發表於 2007-9-19 10:24:31 | 只看該作者
Dear all,

I am a Hifi Fever member that using Adhader08 as my nick name previously,
due to didn't log in to this forum for a long period until the password also has been forgot.
It's is a good news to see there are few new members join this forum and modifying the player lately.
Since the circuit no so reliable but modification or upgrade is a must. my personal advice is first to upgrade the tube and Op-Amp. WE, Tungsol and Bendix are the only tubes which acceptable. WE having the outstanding performance among them, WE giving me a very comfort level of listening, live like music and sweet vocal which Tungsol and Bendix can't deliver. BB627AP is my first option for upgrade. Wider, deeper sound stage and clarity are the main improvements after changed from the original BB2604. And when I installed AD797 before, it's disappointed me.
Finally, I suggest to change all the capacitors in the player. Blackgate N, NH, NX are the best E-Cap I had tried, Nichicon also can be considered for those who don't want to invest to much into it. There are plenty of brands of film cap for you to chose like Audionote, V-cap, Jensen, Mundoff and Hovland, it's all depend the result you intent to have because different brand have its own characteristic.

Enjoy. Wink Wink Wink Wink
alfcat 發表於 2007-9-19 14:36:43 | 只看該作者

I modified my CD 33 following the path many of you chose. The sound of the CD 33 was far better than I first got it.

The first step was changing the Tubes to WE and later Bendix. Next, I replaced the 2604 with the OPA2107. Third, replaced those WHITE MCaps with Jensens. Replaced a couple of capacitors with Elna, BlackGate, etc.

The only problem is, after all these modifications, the S/N Ratio is still low at 65dB or so. Finally, I took KK Sir's advice and work on the Power Supply section. Changed the diodes and the capactiors there ... Wa la ... the S/N ratio jumped to 78dB minimum. I can get back some of the details I lost in the past.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-9-22 14:22:04 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,
long time no hearing from you, how are you,

I want to follow you to upgrade the diodes of CD-33's diodes of power supply.
which marked  (Philip) at you photo posted before as
would you mind to give the moude and reading.



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alfcat 發表於 2007-9-22 19:29:54 | 只看該作者
Dear Viewer,

You want those Diodes? I have some of those in excess. You can give me a call if you want them.

Won't be able to answer call during Sunday 10 - 1pm because of Sunday Service at Church... :wink:
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-9-22 21:46:19 | 只看該作者
hi alfcat,

call you tomm afternoon.

alfcat 發表於 2007-9-22 23:53:07 | 只看該作者
Viewer 兄,

No problem. I have the PHBYV96E and the PH-33D.

May go down to Wan Chai in the afternoon. If you happen to be free, I can take them with me there.

Got 4 PH-BYV96E left and 8 PH-33D
superwhite 發表於 2007-9-23 15:33:43 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer.

Sorry for my late reply,

the diode is made by Philips, the part no for the big one is BYW96E, 3.1Amp 1000V. n the small one is BYV96E, 1.6Amp 1000V. Both is Fast soft-recovery controlled avalanche rectifiers. Hope it help. :wink: (but heard philips has stop both production)
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-9-23 17:04:16 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,

Many thank for your information.
I just got  the PHBYV96E and the PH-33D from alfcat hing. are those can replace original small 4 pics replace to PH-33d large 4 pics for PHBYV96E????

alfcat 發表於 2007-9-23 20:23:44 | 只看該作者
Dear Viewer,

You can check the Data Sheet for those Philips Diodes. I don't know how to interpret those data .. ha..ha..

I am not sure whether they are 1000V or 100V, you better double check.
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