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2008多項課程召集 - (6) UCD 後級製作班 (仍可享舊價優惠) 已完結

 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-2-26 23:18:22 | 只看該作者

You can listen to the UCD400AD on the coming Sat when you completed your preamp.
dannylau 發表於 2008-2-27 19:26:54 | 只看該作者
請問幾時可以試聽UCD180ST 兩聲道,最好係星期六?
alant 發表於 2008-2-27 21:16:19 | 只看該作者

You can listen to the UCD400AD on the coming Sat when you completed your preamp.[/quote]

Is this demo in coming Sat (1-Mar-08) opened to public or just for the students of pre-amp class?
How is about Vincent's (ref: 11:27 am dated 14-2-08) suggested demo in 8-Mar-08?

B. regards,
 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-2-27 23:04:54 | 只看該作者
Will arrange a quick demo on 8th Mar before DAC class


日期 Date: 8/MAr/2008
時間 Time: 12:30p-2:30pm
 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-2-27 23:05:22 | 只看該作者
地點: 荃灣沙咀道29-35號科技中心9樓910室
Map: http://www.hififever.com/forum/files/thumbs/t_map1_184.jpg
dannylau 發表於 2008-2-28 22:12:57 | 只看該作者
[quote:46c177e00e="Admin"]Will arrange a quick demo on 8th Mar before DAC class


日期 Date: 8/MAr/2008
時間 Time: 12:30p-2:30pm[/quote]

如果唔得維有 8/MAr/2008 星期六,(希望都係二時後)

cyrus 發表於 2008-3-6 10:08:26 | 只看該作者
William Sir,

As said last evening, pls transfer my reservation fee HK$1,000 from UCD Class to Valve Power Amp Class.
icefireman 發表於 2008-3-9 21:46:44 | 只看該作者
Hi Admin,

I am using Klipsch Heresy II speakers.

The spec is
Nominal impedance: 4 ohms per speaker  Sensitivity: 94dB @ 2.83 V/1 meter Recommended amplifier power: 100W maximum continuous  400W peak

audioreview link is:

Which 套件 should be suitable for there speakers??

Thank you.

icefireman 發表於 2008-3-11 16:37:18 | 只看該作者
Hi Admin,

I have paid the deposit today.  Please check it.  I may enrol the UCD180HG兩聲道.  Thank you.

yiuwaho 發表於 2008-3-18 14:33:20 | 只看該作者

What exact component come with the class

Hi HiFiFever,

I would like to join the UCD後級製作班. (UCD180HG-HXR x 2pcs)HK$5700.
Before everybody enroll the class. Could you please confirm the exact component 組件 HiFiFever will provide for the class Dual Mono套件UCD180HG-HXR.

UcD180HG-HXR 模組            x2pcs
UcD Supply HG Mono 電源組件   x2pcs
Transformer 變壓器             x2pcs
Mono Block 機箱                x2pcs
RCA connector, Output Connector, cable, Switch and all basic 配件.

In order to reduce argument in the class, could you please confirm and clear indicate all the inculded component 組件 the your web page.
gogogojump 發表於 2008-3-18 21:03:02 | 只看該作者
William san,

pls contact me at 8202-3367.

 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-3-18 21:43:24 | 只看該作者

UcD180HG-HXR 模組 x2pcs
UCD compatible Power Supply 電源組件 x2pcs
Transformer 變壓器 x2pcs
機箱 (for Dual Mono) x 1pcs
RCA connector, Output Connector, cable, Switch and all basic 配件.

Dual mono means 2 channels put in a chassis with totally seperated power supply, input & output.
alant 發表於 2008-3-18 21:51:19 | 只看該作者
It is a mathematical course. Please note the following equation:

Total cost (HK$): X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 = HK$ 5700

X1 = UcD180HG-HXR 模組 x2pcs
X2 = UcD Supply HG Mono 電源組件 x2pcs
X3 = Transformer 變壓器 x2pcs
X4 = 機箱 x1 pc
X5 = All accessories: RCA connector, Output Connector, cable, Switch, etc..
X6 = Training overhead cost

X1 = HK$ 2100x2 = HK$ 4200 (Ref: HiFifever website)
X2 = HK$ 1200x2 = HK$ 2400 (100 Euro /each, Ref: Hypex website 1 Euro = HK$12)

Subsitute the data into the equation, we have:

4200 + 2400 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 = 5700
=> 6600 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 = 5700

The equation is valid if only if X3, X4, X5, X6 are negative number. It is self-explained that the UcD180HG-HXR module will be purchased from Hypex, other components will be sourced from other.
I have listened the demo. The sound quality of this machine is good. Since I have personal business to resolve recently, otherwise, I have already made the deposit. Hence, my comment is that the price is reasonable.

B. regards,
 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-3-18 23:34:13 | 只看該作者
alant, thanks for the explaination.

We have the option to use UCD HG supply / HG supply mono, just to pay the product value and you can build that with your UCD.
alant 發表於 2008-3-19 00:24:27 | 只看該作者
[quote:f8b1af0158="Admin"]alant, thanks for the explaination.

We have the option to use UCD HG supply / HG supply mono, just to pay the product value and you can build that with your UCD.[/quote]

It is a judgement between cost and patent technology. The Class D technology of UcD 180/400 HG-HXR is a patent module. Hence, requires to buy from Hypex although expensive. For other components such PSU, transformer, softstart unit, etc..., local customer-made components are good alternative if there is no significant difference in sound quality between local and Hypex material. In fact, both cases will be considered if I confirm to start. Thank you for information.
gogogojump 發表於 2008-3-19 17:43:29 | 只看該作者
William san,

pls contact me at 8202-3367.

raphaelso 發表於 2008-3-21 10:39:43 | 只看該作者

I would like to know if UCD 180HG HXR can use the think black colour case as we use in the pre-amp class?
 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-3-21 13:38:13 | 只看該作者
By default we will use the DAC case for the UCD amp.

If you want to use the Full black case, just to add the difference of the case price (should be less than $100) but you need to open up all holes if you use the "full" black case without any pre-drilled holes.
raphaelso 發表於 2008-4-6 13:10:50 | 只看該作者

I will be out of town on 19 April. Is it possible to arrange another date or finish on 12 April ?
 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-4-8 13:13:53 | 只看該作者
Raphael, we can have supplementary day to finish it after 19th Apr.
raphaelso 發表於 2008-4-10 23:48:22 | 只看該作者
Hi William,

I have paid the deposit by Paypal for 180HGHXR. Also, I would like to use the black colour case.
 樓主| admin 發表於 2008-4-11 00:00:57 | 只看該作者
Raphael, thx!
kk_ho 發表於 2008-5-20 00:48:31 | 只看該作者


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tommykp 發表於 2008-5-28 12:23:28 | 只看該作者


Very happy with my new 180 UCD amp.
Sound is excellent with lots of details.
Bass is not as that authoritative as expected from an 180-W amp.

A bit regreted for not upgrading the capacitors to Jensen in the power supply.

derek74 發表於 2008-6-5 00:14:48 | 只看該作者
I am very interested about this! Please reserve a seat for me if there is a same course in future. Thank you very much!
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