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2008 7月-12月 第1項課程召集 - (1) 夏季 DAC 原理和製作班 (10月11日繼續組裝)

leonlau 發表於 2008-5-30 13:24:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Reserve a seat first.  Will see if the class schedule can be fit into my own one as there will be a long trip in the coming few months.

BTW, KK Sir, I also have a few questions to ask:

1) What are the sound differences among 1541, 1547, and 1955?
2) In last DAC course, there is one option with tube buffer.  Can this tube buffer be constructed as a separate module to add to the coming 1541/1547/1955 so that I can easily switch it on/by-pass?

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