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Seek your advice for a system with 30K budget

ashura 發表於 2007-11-5 14:17:09 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
I would like to replace my existing system with 30K-35K. I mainly use the system to listen music ~50% classics (symphonies, piano recital, concerto), ~40% pop and ~10% movie or DVD watching. I also connect DVDplayer /DVD Recorder to the system for movie watching but I don't need a AV amp.

I am looking for a traditional 2.0 system with simple connectivity, i.e. less wiring. With the buget, I would like to buy an Integrated Amp, a pair of speaker and a CD player. My current system has been over 10 years old, which is Copland CSA-14, Denon CD Player and Monitor Audio MA-10 speaker.

My listening environment is living and dining room togather is ~250 feet and the best position from the speaker is about 10 feet depth, i.e. the sofa facing the speaker. The room is in rectangular shape. Dining room is on left hand side and there is windows on right hand side. There is no partitioning between dining and living room.

Thank for your help and advice in advance.
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