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Incorporating DAC-AH into CD 33

Kiko 發表於 2007-12-13 02:27:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Alf,

you dont need any advise, that looks very good and logical in my eyes.

In this matter I have some questions:

To picture No. 1: Are the signal cables together with power supply cables in the multicore cable? If yes I would separate the signal cable from the other.

To picture No. 3: You dont need the RCA input jack if you dont want to use this cable in future. You can desolder it if you want to use a simple short but shielded internal cable.

To picture No. 4: Thats the best way too. The isolation of the caps from the input site is absolute correct in my eyes.

Good work, my =D>

.......tomorrow you can terrorize your neighbours further ....\/  :-({|=
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