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alfcat 發表於 2007-10-8 23:56:05 | 顯示全部樓層
Muka 兄,


貓正常來說是不會在貓沙盆以外的地方小便. 我想到的可能性有:

1. 發情
2. 貓沙盆太dirty .. or 換了一些牠不喜歡的沙
3. 受壓力 -- 有人惡死對佢, 貓貓好驚.

如果以上原因都不是 ... 最好找獸醫check 一 check. 但隻貓咁細, 好少會有腎病, 除非給了牠不應吃的東西 ....
alfcat 發表於 2007-10-9 10:50:25 | 顯示全部樓層
Sorry Muka,

I missed your second question last night 'cos too tired already.

下巴甩毛 is not a good sign. It is possible that your cat got skin disease. It is not hard to cure but requires medical attention. Some of these disease may affect human (e.g. Ring Worm).

For Queen (female cat), it is HIGHLY recommended that you do the surgery. First, the cat will "meow" when she is on heat (叫春) and it is quite annoying. Second, just like any ladies, she will have 月經 ... tho' not each and every 28 days. But you don't want to see blood on your floor / furniture or alike.

Did your cat "meow" during night time these days?
alfcat 發表於 2007-10-9 14:30:06 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Muka,

It is easier for me to type English here at the office ... sorry.

I would recommend bringing your cat to SPCA's doctor for an inspection. You can always ask him / her what could have caused her pissing on the bed as well. Most of the time, they are very willing to offer help and advice as long as you show them you love your pet very much. The charge is reasonable as well.

For other vet., some are good but many are just there for business. They will ask you to do unnecessary test, etc.

A queen will go on heat once it reaches 6 to 7 months old. It will try to jump up on higher ground and starts meowing (normally from 9pm onward). Do you notice anything abnormal for your kitty?

A queen is capable of having 4 litters per year ... that means she can "call spring" at least 4 times / year. One of my previous cat did that once as she matured earlier than we have expected. Really funny experience.
alfcat 發表於 2007-10-16 19:05:00 | 顯示全部樓層
Muka 兄,


我都買咗張 ScatMat 呀, 不過未寄番來 ....
alfcat 發表於 2007-10-17 20:17:43 | 顯示全部樓層
Muka 兄,

上次你 Total 用了多少錢買 ScatMat? 你那張是什麼 Size?

我學生下星期一會去 San Fran., 佢正在問我有什麼要代買. 你想唔想佢幫你找一找? 如平過自己訂, 可以叫他買回來.

alfcat 發表於 2007-10-18 16:01:14 | 顯示全部樓層
Muka 兄,

連運费USD$6 ...

你指US $ 60?  無問題. 我也是只管幫你一試, 也不一定能找到. Good Luck. 我個 friend 也只是會在那裡留 12 小時, 但他很識四處找東西.

alfcat 發表於 2007-10-18 23:05:40 | 顯示全部樓層
Muka 兄,

你誤會了我的意思. 我知你只要個 extension mat.

"連運费USD$6 30"x16

我只是想問你是否想打 "US $ 60" .. 但只打了個 "6" 字, 打唔到個 "0" 字.

你係帶咗貓貓去看醫生? 醫生說牠是什麼毛病? 我都想學吓嘢.
alfcat 發表於 2007-10-22 08:47:10 | 顯示全部樓層

Sorry, can't type Chinese with this machine.

I think my student won't be able to get you the Scatmat extension. The Westin Hotel he is living in is 5km away from any nearby pet shop I checked on the map. Maybe I try to find you another way. As long as it is within your budget is okay, right?

Ha, your kitty didn't clean herself up? That is strange .... really a "dirty cat" like we Chinese says?

She stopping "wee wee" on your bed already?
alfcat 發表於 2007-10-23 10:54:48 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Muka,

豆腐沙? 什麼來的 ..? 可否 send 張相來看看? 這個情況也會出現, 所以不能經常轉換沙的牌子或質地. 我用的是 Tidy Cats Clothing, so far OKAY. 價錢也合理, 約 HK$ 100 一箱 (28lbs). Ever Clean 也是好嘢, 但價錢貴得多.

你貓貓的情況不是常有, 只有給牠找一隻合心水的就可解決.
alfcat 發表於 2007-10-29 17:02:29 | 顯示全部樓層
Muka 兄,

無問題. 只要牠喜歡, 你們又沒有煩惱就好了.
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