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Cambridge Audio Azur 640C及540C version 2 勇奪大獎

amostam 發表於 2006-3-1 09:59:12 | 顯示全部樓層
我剛去過旺角買這套Azur 540C V2 CD Player,配合Azur 540A v2的Amplifier,可能會加一對JM LAB的 loudspeaker, 請問有沒有用過,有甚麼意見給小弟。另外,我在銀行中心對面的大廈買,有沒有邊間shop可建議?
amostam 發表於 2006-3-6 14:35:24 | 顯示全部樓層
Azur 540C V2 CD Player and Azur 540A v2的Amplifier are also cost $2900 but I have not yet discuss with the salesman.  I think I will buy a tuner($22XX) with a pair of loud speaker(around $2500).  I hope I can buy full system for $10000.
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