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Member's privileges 會員優惠

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admin 發表於 2005-10-10 18:00:12 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
HiFi Fever is the leading source of user-generated information sharing community for HiFi and audio equipment, aims to promoting Hi Fi and audio products to all enthusiasts and share experiences with users. Users visit to learn, interact, and buy or sell the high end hi-fi and audio products within our network of communities. Users find the products they are interested in, read and write reviews, participate in discussions, compare prices, and shop online.

HiFi Fever strives to provide a HIFi community of the highest quality and integrity. We encourage open, honest and respectful communication between all of our members.

Members privileges

    - Participate in Fever Forum, share your opinions and learn from the community
    - Stay up-to-date with our product news and professional evaluations
    - Keep up your HIFI configuration, make good use of the Fever Market
    - Share your configuration and experiences in your personal 20MB Fever Diary
    - Build your HiFi Fever identity today! Register with us immediately and start communicating with <yourname>@hififever.com (10MB)[/list:u]
    Stay tuned.

    Join Us Now!




      - 與高手一席話, 勝過讀萬卷書. 會員可蹤橫發燒論壇, 今後字字珠璣
      - 既然發燒又怎可脫節. 我們即時更新的產品資訊及專家評論令會員熱得徹底
      - 發燒市場為您解煩憂, 祝您貨如輪轉, 設備天天新
      - 今天便開始您的發燒日記, 您會驚訝自己進步神速
      - 來確認您的發燒友身份, 立即登記, 您將享有 <yourname>@hififever.com 的稱號

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