stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-7 14:20:15

Dynaudio 黨集合


stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-8 17:47:01

I use Dynaudio accoustics C2

Thank you

stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-8 17:59:45


stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-11 23:32:20

真係好少人玩, 還是個網暫時唔多人上呢

stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-13 22:09:47


stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-16 23:39:49


sunsvc 發表於 2006-6-17 21:43:24

very cool dynaudio acoustic, where do you get it from?

stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-18 20:31:00


stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-19 22:36:38


stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-21 23:20:02



stephen2k 發表於 2006-6-28 19:23:19


stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-2 12:01:58

studio product

deepsea 發表於 2006-7-5 23:37:45

What is the "Master Clock"?

stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-6 08:49:39

隻 clock 唔平, 要過萬..... 牌子就唔記得, 不過係專業嘢 :D

kenoir 發表於 2006-7-14 12:59:21

very interesting. Do you have special interest in studio products?

I saw that Dynaudio is some kind of studio class monitor.


stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-14 13:11:26

我唔係賣嘢, 不過真係識得有ventor 賣得平一點, 你可以比較一吓, 最重要大家玩得開心


H5N1 發表於 2006-7-14 15:02:19

I use Confidence C1, pushed by 鐘神JA2/JA100.

stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-14 16:52:13

點解唔考慮買 acoustics 嘢呢, 價錢唔會太貴

cowuncle 發表於 2006-7-15 02:57:17


I went to this shop b4, the guy quote me a dac is double the price in Duck street...

stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-15 09:53:53

whick product is double price ?

thank you:shock:

stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-15 17:39:55

據我所知之前的sales騙了很多人, 但他已經走佬, 現在此店已經易手 :o

cowuncle 發表於 2006-7-16 15:42:04

據我所知之前的sales騙了很多人, 但他已經走佬, 現在此店已經易手 :o


he try to sell me the behringer dac and cost me $2450 and I find out it cost $1300 in duck street (ar gor).

he is in mk (park lai po bdge 1X/F)

cowuncle 發表於 2006-7-16 15:44:43

據我所知之前的sales騙了很多人, 但他已經走佬, 現在此店已經易手 :o


he try to sell me the behringer dac and cost me $2450 and I find out it cost $1300 in duck street (ar gor).

he is in mk (park lai po bdge 1X/F)

just one week ago

stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-16 23:10:46

你買邊部DAC 呀, 最後有冇買呢


cowuncle 發表於 2006-7-18 20:29:39

你買邊部DAC 呀, 最後有冇買呢


無!! 貴double仲買!!!


stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-18 20:48:28

C1 都 幾靚聲, 唔知你用什麼前後級呢


stephen2k 發表於 2006-7-18 20:49:06

噤你有冇去鴨記買呀, 好唔好聲呢


ewcl 發表於 2006-8-18 09:32:35

I use Confidence C1, pushed by 鐘神JA2/JA100.


有無用c1 同 fs788比較過呀? 是否墳緊$2萬尾? :D

stephen2k 發表於 2006-8-18 09:47:08

要噤貴, 二萬尾呀

stephen2k 發表於 2006-8-18 21:27:24

有佬友話聽過c1, 但聲唔係緊好, 係唔係呢 :D

stephen2k 發表於 2006-8-18 22:14:26

不如考慮買 BM 15A

stephen2k 發表於 2006-8-21 21:07:55


louisla 發表於 2006-8-21 22:01:51

Studio Grade Hifi

我都上過去幾次, 聽他們的SETUP, 總是16:9的感覺, 即使好似音場闊了, 但中間像壓縮了. 感覺很怪.. 所以無買.

至於他們比別人貴是事實, 但別人有對你提供服務喎, 讓你試機比較, 比你專業意見, 當然不能和鴨記只賣成品比較啦, 大家公平些好.

stephen2k 發表於 2006-8-21 22:44:33

其實人家又冇迫你買, 大家買時咪格格價囉, 市場是公平的

JBL-175 發表於 2006-8-30 13:53:59

Wah ,,, DNyna Ah

Professional Audio product ah...

Very good play this kind of stuff...
but accept by many hi-fi fans....

altough I also play Tube ,,,,but will change to Professional stuff
very soon.

Also just introduce " one name of V-dosc...
dream speaker....
if put it in music hall.......!!!!! wah wah ,,,

stephen2k 發表於 2006-8-30 14:15:05

Which products is your dream stuff ?


stephen2k 發表於 2006-9-3 12:37:53

各位有冇聽過 CORDIAL 呢, 係 studio 嘢, 有什麼評價



chk 發表於 2006-9-8 00:29:29


stephen2k 發表於 2006-9-8 12:55:00

噤你都看得出, 不過我想佢用dynaudio 開聲

stephen2k 發表於 2006-10-19 23:26:12



sunsvc 發表於 2007-4-7 09:07:09


I am using 1.3SE, will the pro tweeter guard fit the same for 1.3SE, and where to buy.

stephen2k 發表於 2007-4-7 16:45:58

pro tweeter guard ?

sunsvc 發表於 2007-4-8 08:55:22

yes, are there any different between the pro and 1.3SE? I mean the guard for the tweeter?


sunsvc 發表於 2007-4-8 09:07:01


geminiw78 發表於 2007-4-8 10:05:14

I used compound 3 10 years ago.

stephen2k 發表於 2007-4-8 10:46:50

c2 所用的是Esotar T330D

yes, are there any different between the pro and 1.3SE? I mean the guard for the tweeter?


stephen2k 發表於 2007-4-8 10:48:37

我都用咗十年啦 :lol:

I used compound 3 10 years ago.

stephen2k 發表於 2007-4-8 10:50:36

sunsvc 你用什麼後級推呢, 腳架你是用原裝嗎


sunsvc 發表於 2007-4-8 16:58:54

Bryston 4B

stephen2k 發表於 2007-4-8 23:01:32

傳聞Bryston推 dyn 唔係好理想, 我自己未玩過, sunsvc 是不是呢
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