i886 發表於 2012-5-12 08:51:14

i886 發表於 2012-5-12 09:00:25

ayuen 發表於 2012-5-12 10:22:17

回復 50# Mlfan2012
It was a wise decision, though may not be the best. I still have business in 16 Asia Pacific and Australia countries. Most importantly is that I can spend more time with the family and the hobbies. After trimming down biz traveling, especially long haul to the States and Europe, I play tennis, golf and swim 2、3 times a week for good health, and chatting with my son every night.

There was a choice between McIntosh MC601 monoblocks and Audio Note interstage 300B monoblocks. I bought the latter one at the end of the day. It was in the kit form and I built it myself, and made changes to whatever I wanted. That's one of the beauty of DIY.

I was born in early 60s'. May be 1、2 years older than you.老排 is probably the youngest amongst us. His passion on repair and maintainence really really impressed me. One day I may buy an Accuphase A-100 vintage and seek some advise from him.

Stay in touch, and have a safe trip back to US.

ayuen 發表於 2012-5-12 12:13:42

回復 48# Mlfan2012
We have things in common. Some America background, and big is beautiful! This is my floor standing loudspeaker. Weights 200lbs/each. A pair of them together with other equipment weights 500lbs.
I'm modernizing the speaker cabinet to wine barrel shape. Of course DIY.:D :handshake

Mlfan2012 發表於 2012-5-12 15:37:25

回復 51# i886

I886 師兄,小弟知道呢度d規矩,當然唔會亂咁發帖。我好似無話到要出讓乜機,呢度只系隨口講講,系希望與各位師兄分享下,暫時仲未決定點處置呢堆老古董。不過都要多謝師兄提醒,以免小弟真系犯左規就唔好。先鋒兩台古董c21, m-22 帶左返係香港一個老友屋企暫寄放,其實就系比朋友玩玩。


Mlfan2012 發表於 2012-5-12 15:41:59

回復 52# i886

幾多round 咖啡都無問題,最緊要有共同話題,I886 兄曾經旅居國外嗎?

Mlfan2012 發表於 2012-5-12 15:53:03

回復 54# ayuen

wow..又真系好型仔喇叭,自己DIY? 正..睇到地下隻是否系300B, 有時間整張果部自己組裝機照片分享下。

i886 發表於 2012-5-12 20:58:43

Mlfan2012 發表於 2012-5-13 09:17:19

Hong Kong is the Asian World City, everyone here has his/her own overseas story, no big deal~
i886 發表於 2012-5-12 20:58 http://hififever.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

其實大家系呢度交流下見解與自身故事,無妨系件好事,只要唔好太嚴肅認真去睇某些事,相信呢度真系可以向各位前輩學到野。講下點裝機拆機,配置擺位,調音換膽, 再互相交流下自家副架生,彼此交換心得,非常賞心樂事。

i886 發表於 2012-5-13 10:24:09

Mlfan2012 發表於 2012-5-13 13:16:49

回復 60# i886



呢度係小弟平生第一次上本地發燒友綱址又咁多口水,查實自己好奇心大,想借機會埋堆學下嘢。知道好多師兄喜歡DIY, 自己裝而又唱得的話,果種喜悅比買成品機大好多。而小弟就少咗呢d喜悅啦。買現成有保養,玩咁上下賣出再換再試。tube rolling 我最弱,好想搵部麥記C2300,用离配果台Cary KT88 後級,但真係好肉赤。
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