auyue100 發表於 2006-5-9 22:27:34


請問各位高人有沒有平價書架喇叭推介呢? $5000樓下, 希望bass可以多一點, 平衡一下amp(marantz 5600)的不足. 如果書架不行, floorstand的又有沒有好建議呢?

saiwing 發表於 2006-5-10 09:27:32

you may consider chario dephinus, with very good bass
but the price is a bit higher, at around $6000

auyue100 發表於 2006-5-11 23:17:00

好像它的喇叭都是4ohm的, 可能我的amp會有點吃力, 有冇其他建議?

saiwing 發表於 2006-5-12 09:55:20

4 ohm 未必難推, delphinus' sensitivity at 90dB, 應該是易推的.你可到旺角試聽下.

其他書架喇叭如 Jmlab 706s (<$5000) 好似冇咁多bass.

auyue100 發表於 2006-5-12 12:13:38

So delphinus bass is better than 706S? Sounds great, i will go to try try it later

dynamicdog 發表於 2006-5-16 02:29:49

千其唔好買JMLab, Tannoy書架喇叭
Tannoy DC1 6吋底音, 量少
JMLab 705, 706, 707, 底音唔出, 聲唔夠放

clio172 發表於 2006-5-28 18:43:03

I am using a marantz SR4200. And looking a 書架喇叭 also. For a beginner like me any suggestion? I am using it for both movie & music (POP).

auyue100 發表於 2006-5-28 20:15:07

暫時目標lock定左2款, NHT SB2 同Klipsch RB25, 有冇COMMENTS?

dynamicdog 發表於 2006-6-4 03:06:56

如果用黎聽歌---->NHT SB2
睇戲就一定係佢--->Klipsch RB25

auyue100 發表於 2006-6-4 18:29:37

終於買左kef iq3, 因為聽歌較多關係, klipsch未試就出局
之後試kef同nht, 覺得kef聽歌好一點, 所以就買左佢 :wink:

goldlighta 發表於 2006-6-5 01:12:06

人人口味唔同, 最緊要你自已HiFi得開心!!

vko99 發表於 2006-6-6 14:46:49

How do you rate KEF iQ3 ? How much is it ?

auyue100 發表於 2006-6-8 01:41:58

未煲好, 但係d bass開始越出越多lar :D
取向都幾musical, 高音延伸同空氣感都比nht sb2好, bass就差d

vko99 發表於 2006-6-8 09:48:38


我現用KEF Coda7, 可惜bass唔夠,有冇其他補救方法呀 ?

auyue100 發表於 2006-6-8 13:56:20

in fact, bass from iQ3 is enough just not as powerful as SB2, a 6.5" can't be too bad

vko99 發表於 2006-6-9 10:22:43

I see. It will definitely be getting better.:lol:

SSWONG 發表於 2006-9-29 15:31:12

For small cheap bookshelf can try AE AEGIS EVO1 or Monitor audio B2.

If you willing to modify a bit your KEF coda7, below are some trick which may helps.

1) twist the cable of your tweeter & woofer
2) place sand bag in side the speaker box and plaster teh yello fibre inside.

idone this to my AE AEGIS 1, it helps to give better detail & tigher bass.

發表於 2006-11-2 01:27:21

auyue100 發表於 2006-11-2 14:01:06

u need to run it in first
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