ksiubong 發表於 2006-3-30 11:11:48

DIY .9999 pure fine silver cable

   I have been finding a way to diy a .9999 pure fine silver RCA cable. I found these websites http://www.venhaus1.com/diysilverinterconnects.html

and http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/esantane/movies/ics.html

After studying their methods, I created my own.
My way is a lot simpler than their. All you need is:
1) a very cheap6 feet audio cable.
2) 12 feet .9999 fine silver wire. (You can use 24,22,20, or 18 gauge silver wire, it has to match your cheap audio cable.)

This is how you assemble your pure silver cable:
1) pull the center wire from the cheap audio cable.
2) measure the gauge of the wire you pull out. Get a silver wire at least 2 gauage bigger than the wire. If the wire you pull out is 20, get a 22 gauge of silver wire.
3) insert the silver wire to the audio cable.
4) pull out the shield/ground wire from cable and replace it with the silver wire.
5) solder the cables with 4 set of RCA.

Sounds simple, right?
I will take some pictures later.
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