rockmanau 發表於 2006-3-25 15:43:16

av amp可否用濾波??

請教各位師兄yamaha avamp可否用瀘波,用了對低頻是否有影響,還有yamaha avamp如果有main in輸入,適唔適合轉為一部純後級作前置功放呢?謝謝! :?::?::?:

goldlighta 發表於 2006-3-25 23:07:09


which model you are using??
some expert claimed, normal filter cannot use in AVM, except you are using high high end model

rockmanau 發表於 2006-3-27 13:06:09


goldlighta 發表於 2006-4-3 23:43:30


太複習唔識 tim, 睇吓有無其他師兄幫手la

Bobby 發表於 2006-4-4 10:18:18

Dear all expert,

I have buy a 清華濾波 last week, after use it my LCD TV is more sharp, CD background is a bit more clear.

The sales person teach me plug the AMP into 清華濾波's by pass 濾波 slot, but I still fill my AMP is 細聲咗, 以前開 48-50度, 現在要開 50-54度先夠.


dynamicdog 發表於 2006-4-6 15:16:30

AVAMP用濾波, 背景靜, CUT高底頻, 無力

goldlighta 發表於 2006-4-6 23:57:45

AVAMP用濾波, 背景靜, CUT高底頻, 無力

Hello dynamicdog,

long time no see la, how are u?

dynamicdog 發表於 2006-4-7 15:07:45

Hi Goldlightan bother!

首先一個問題 "濾波" "濾波器" "濾波拖板" 等等...
如果去到幾千銀, 就叫電源淨化, 電源再生....(愈講愈勁)

其實有唔少地方都會打開show份線路出黎, 咁我地由線路方面去睇睇.
如果見到 線圈, 0.1 - 0.47uf 等電容幾粒... 濾波線路

多數平價濾波聲底--無力, cut高底頻
但濾波用靚料較聲, 一樣可以做到通透,音場加闊等等...

貴價濾波小弟未玩過, 如有講錯多多包"含"

kk_ho 發表於 2006-4-7 16:32:31


Try to use this method.

Classify the amp into high power section and low power section.
High power section : Main power amp
Low power section : DSP, Pre-amp etc.

Use the filter only on the low power section. High power is direct pass thorugh.

This will give you a better result.


goldlighta 發表於 2006-4-8 00:31:58

thanks dynamicdog & kk_ho

deepsea 發表於 2006-4-9 00:49:34

點解 Rockman 突然想加個瀘波玩? :?:

rockmanau 發表於 2006-4-12 14:40:12


ddesignlab 發表於 2006-4-12 22:58:35

AV-AMP only can plug in no filter socket, if you try the filter one, you can take a headphone to test it, it's really weak when plug in filter one.
But this kind of filter, use in AV (video)part , it's really good.
Audio part use in CD player also OK.

ddesignlab 發表於 2006-4-12 23:03:52

Ah! Your question about AV-AMP use as power amp, I am not prefer to do it, because for stereo audio part, AV-AMP can't match the other power's quality, as a power amp, Yamaha is really weak of the power, not powerful enough, or may be consider some several thousands pure stereo power amp, or tube amp, it's totally different sound.
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