alfcat 發表於 2008-11-14 10:57:32

Dear Autumnleafcat,

Oh, the term Scottish Shorthair comes from this reason....ha..ha. Thanks for telling me that.

I know that the chance of having "fold" is at max. 50% out a one litter, normally it is far less. I have also learned that the kitties may have their ears straighthen up as they get older ... but don't know that a way to prevent that is to keep them "cool" .... COOL!

I know that the "fold" actually is a genetic defact. I have heard that people may want the "fold" to mate with other similar breeds like the BShorthair or so to reduce the chance of getting the defective gene as the dominant gene. Perhaps that is why the chance of getting a "fold" is less than 50%

Thanks for telling me that.:wink:


autumnleaf 發表於 2008-11-15 00:17:15


alfcat 發表於 2008-11-15 10:28:52

Dear autumnleafcat,

They failed because they didn't do their homework and just based on "common sense" or "street info".

I have heard that in Western countries, some tried inter-breed with Persian as well. Unfortunately, the result was not so good as the defect of the nose problem gets worse if mated with SF.

Good for you. You really worked / studied on this.


autumnleaf 發表於 2008-12-13 15:25:06


autumnleaf 發表於 2008-12-13 16:30:59


autumnleaf 發表於 2008-12-20 02:33:34


autumnleaf 發表於 2008-12-20 13:48:19


autumnleaf 發表於 2008-12-31 20:36:48


sugargar 發表於 2009-3-8 00:11:34

Tiger Cat and Audiolab

alfcat 發表於 2009-3-14 19:38:01

Sugargar 兄,



sugargar 發表於 2009-3-15 13:08:09

I help my tiger cat "Siumi" cut hair once per year, usually before summer.It usually take me 30 mins. to trim his hair and 20 mins. for bathing and hair drying.

alfcat 發表於 2009-3-15 14:30:33


What type of trimmer are you using? I also need to trim my white cat every year before summer. But the trimmer cuts his hair real short. He is angry with me each time I do that ....

axgroup 發表於 2011-10-7 08:30:51

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