admin 發表於 2008-7-9 13:23:36

2008 7月-12月 第12項課程召集 - (12) 高級揚聲器製作班 (開始正式報名)

HiFi Fever 從2008年開始會以召集型式開設工作坊, 砌機課程等等得到各音響發燒友大力支持 (差不多全部滿座), 我們在下半年會再度改良課程內容, 希望更切合大家的要求..

召集課程最先達到最少報名人數要求的便先行開班! 大家留名時亦可說出自己的特別要求, 我們會儘量配合!

2008 7月-12月 第12項課程召集 - 高級揚聲器製作班

高級揚聲器製作班是以英國著名的ProAC One SC書架式揚聲器作為藍本,以理論加實踐方式令各參加者清楚了解揚聲器以及分音器的運作原理,組裝步驟,注意事項,以及教導各參加者用簡單的計算方式去改變分音器的持性來配合自己家居設置上的需要,務求令大家能學以致用。

- 揚聲器的運作原理
- 揚聲器Data Sheet 的運用
- 分音器的運作原理
- 分音器的零件數值計算方式
- 組裝步驟及注意事項
- 配合家中環境作出改良及升級及建議

揚聲器音箱, 原廠 Scanspeak S2010/8513 高音單原一對, Seas H702 低音單原一對, 普通版分音器零件及其他配件

名額: 每班最少8名最多12名
日期: 5/Dec/08 (FRI) (7:30pm-10pm) 和 13/Dec/08 (SAT) (2:30pm-7pm)

費用: $3800 (先付訂金$1000, 上堂付尾數)

酸枝 或 樹榴 (請在訂單/email/留言確定)

升級選項: (如有需要, 請在訂單/email/留言確定)
電容升級至全Solen: + $400
電感升級至全Solen空氣芯: + $800
電阻升級至全日本Kiwami + $170



已確認報名者 (*=已付款)(如已正式報名和交款者不在列表中請電郵給我們( :

kkk kok (酸枝)

tonywang 發表於 2008-7-9 22:26:14

:lol:好有興趣,唔知會唔會有櫻桃木色喇叭箱 . 預我一對

hin1983214 發表於 2008-7-12 00:05:58


pokman 發表於 2008-7-12 11:59:44


Dee 發表於 2008-7-13 21:53:15

有興趣. 預我一個 ,唔知個 course 幾時開呢?

admin 發表於 2008-7-14 16:29:47

開課日期, 費用將在召集夠人後公佈

JS 發表於 2008-7-14 21:40:46

Please reserve one seat for me.Bird eye carbinet looks cool!

acwng 發表於 2008-7-21 22:03:12

I have interest, but I don't know will it be too technical for me (I'm 1st time working with speakers). Thanks.

goo 發表於 2008-7-30 09:58:08


I would like to enroll the course, please call me at 97794054 for course schedule details.

thx :D

admin 發表於 2008-7-30 11:20:11

acwng, speaker is the most easiest part for DIY... no worry, we'll teach you

goo, we'll announce the course details after having enough memebr to join the course.

dkam 發表於 2008-8-2 18:48:34

Please reserve a seat for me.

acwng 發表於 2008-8-3 22:54:04

Please reserve a seat for me too.

cktong 發表於 2008-8-4 15:48:29

I am interested too!! Please email me more information

hin1983214 發表於 2008-8-5 04:54:16


admin 發表於 2008-8-5 09:51:23

osamabinlahin 這個單元已停產了, 但可試試幫你找

hin1983214 發表於 2008-8-7 01:36:19

好~~謝謝但是價錢為多少?? 可給我電郵

tonywang 發表於 2008-8-7 11:45:49

:wink:如果可以都預我一套吧 !


colinwong 發表於 2008-8-12 12:09:47

Please reserve TWO seat for me.
Also, any chance to build the Response 2.5 version?

kk_ho 發表於 2008-8-12 12:56:58

We can provide Clone Response 2.5

Admin will contact you soon.

hin1983214 發表於 2008-8-13 01:44:50


wawawa 發表於 2008-8-13 11:20:56

2008 7月-12月 第12項課程召集 - (12) 高級揚聲器製作班



rftk 發表於 2008-8-13 16:08:27

報名 1 位
買料好幾錢?請e-mail 給我

sugargar 發表於 2008-8-17 09:01:51

Dear sir,

Please reserve a seat for me.I would like to ask some questions about the upgrade options which as the followings:

1) What is the difference in performance if upgrade the woofer to "SEAS E008 Magnesium cone"? can U help me to order parts and how much?

2) I've 2 x Musicap 3.3uf, can I use it in the cossover for tweeter? will the performance better than Solen cap?

3) In your pass crossover design, 6.8uf, 30uf Solen cap was used and is there any improvement if change to better cap such as "M-cap" or "Real cap" etc? any suggestion and price?

4) Existing setup:
Int amp: Audiolab 8000S
CDP: Cambridge Audio 740C
Speaker cable:Sound from Heaven President II

Is the clone Proac SC1 can push well with this setup for jazz and vocal music? any suggestions on parts of clone Proac SC1 to optimize the performance?


kk_ho 發表於 2008-8-17 20:10:04


Please reserve a seat for me.I would like to ask some questions about the upgrade options which as the followings:

// Welcome on the class.

1) What is the difference in performance if upgrade the woofer to "SEAS E008 Magnesium cone"? can U help me to order parts and how much?

// Not sure have stock or not, admin will check.
The human voice sound is much better than the default. Also, it is using another kind of magnet and cone design.

2) I've 2 x Musicap 3.3uf, can I use it in the cossover for tweeter? will the performance better than Solen cap?

// You can test it before assemble, we have the Crossover at cabinet outside.

3) In your pass crossover design, 6.8uf, 30uf Solen cap was used and is there any improvement if change to better cap such as "M-cap" or "Real cap" etc? any suggestion and price?

// It is use for notch filer. You can test it with / without to compare then make a decision.

4) Existing setup:
Int amp: Audiolab 8000S
CDP: Cambridge Audio 740C
Speaker cable:Sound from Heaven President II

Is the clone Proac SC1 can push well with this setup for jazz and vocal music? any suggestions on parts of clone Proac SC1 to optimize the performance?

// your amp can drive it, no problem.
Suggest you mod the CD player or adding a DAC...... if you want sweet sound.

KK @ biz trip

sugargar 發表於 2008-8-19 15:33:52

Hi KK Sir,

I've seen there is a "KK 簽名版 = HiFiFever Office Version" Proac 1SC speaker, may I know what is the difference from the default one? Can Iupgrade from default version to "KK簽名版" , will be how much?


kk_ho 發表於 2008-8-19 20:31:21


I've seen there is a "KK 簽名版 = HiFiFever Office Version" Proac 1SC speaker,

// YES, correct.

may I know what is the difference from the default one?

// Default one = H702 driver. Need notch filter (30uF+10R+0.68mH).
簽名版, no need notch filter but the price of the woofer is expensive.

Can Iupgrade from default version to "KK簽名版" , will be how much?

// Please ask

geneltd 發表於 2008-8-22 22:46:53

interested :P

sugargar 發表於 2008-8-26 20:38:47

KK Sir,

sorry, 因選擇了 hififever DAC 課程, 請取消我的留位.


cyrus 發表於 2008-8-29 15:41:19

Dear Admin and KK Sir,

Pls advise the total cost for a "KK 簽名版", any chance to test it?

*** Quote ***


I've seen there is a "KK 簽名版 = HiFiFever Office Version" Proac 1SC speaker,

// YES, correct.

may I know what is the difference from the default one?

// Default one = H702 driver. Need notch filter (30uF+10R+0.68mH).
簽名版, no need notch filter but the price of the woofer is expensive.

Can I upgrade from default version to "KK簽名版" , will be how much?

// Please ask

*** Unquote ***

awckin 發表於 2008-8-30 18:36:40

I am interested as well. Please reserve a seat for me. I am a new AV player and have no experience in DIY anything, wouldn't it be too difficult for me. Should I join other elementary course before I join this one

Is it possible to build a ProAc Response D2 or Response D38? If yes, what is the cost?

Btw, what is DAC?


jassng 發表於 2008-9-1 17:54:29

speaker building

Please reserve a seat for me


rting 發表於 2008-9-3 22:10:49

reserve a seat.
is the second photo shown version 黑檀木 ? i like darker color, is it available

Alfie 發表於 2008-9-5 01:33:47

請幫小弟留位,   也想 upgrade to ""KK 簽名版"" ,   酸枝色音箱.

另外無知一問,KK 簽名版 分音器是否 升級版?

如果可以,要 full option 升級套件.

Thx a lot.:D


kk_ho 發表於 2008-9-9 18:25:04


// upgrade to ""KK 簽名版""--> need to check
//酸枝色音箱 --> OK

KK 簽名版 分音器是否 升級版--> Yes, Performance, Highend and Extreme

如果可以,要 full option 升級套件.

留名 =/= 開得成

Deposit = 開得成

Alfie 發表於 2008-9-9 23:52:58

回 KK sir,幾時會知開班日期 ?    係咪有日期先會通知入 deposit ?

kk_ho 發表於 2008-9-10 00:31:34


Will announce at next week. First depost first serve.

Max available seat = 15.

eddielaw 發表於 2008-9-10 22:21:26

Please reserve a seat for me.

hin1983214 發表於 2008-9-23 02:48:35

ready to open course yet??

as216 發表於 2008-9-28 09:07:57

very interested. When will the course opened?

patrick08 發表於 2008-9-28 20:54:01

Hi KK Sir,
I want to know the prices of both KK 簽名版 & the default one.

jassng 發表於 2008-10-2 17:54:07

Please indicate whether it will be done in OctorNov? :?:

gun686 發表於 2008-10-3 18:59:35

proact 1sc

Dear sir
would you tell me how much for the class?
count me please

mikechw 發表於 2008-10-5 19:56:37

I am interested..
Just want to know the price... for it..

Count me in...

caniff 發表於 2008-10-6 02:12:45

I'm interested too!
please reserve a seat for me if still available.

otiswong 發表於 2008-10-13 12:08:49

I am very interested in the captioned class, I have been seeking for the related class for long time, please reserve 2 seats for me.

Thank you very much.

P.S. May I know the price and the commencement date of the class?

admin 發表於 2008-10-29 14:53:47


admin 發表於 2008-10-30 16:30:39



colinwong 發表於 2008-11-2 08:44:47


Any option to build the cone Response 2.5?
How much?

henry168 發表於 2008-11-4 12:44:15

sampling rate converter

I choose Point 2 & 3.

hin1983214 發表於 2008-11-5 04:59:45

do u have more choice of wood cover rather than these 2 ....coz i want to have ebony colour
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查看完整版本: 2008 7月-12月 第12項課程召集 - (12) 高級揚聲器製作班 (開始正式報名)