admin 發表於 2008-6-5 13:45:46

2008 7月-12月 第3項課程召集 - (3) UCD 後級製作班

HiFi Fever 從2008年開始會以召集型式開設工作坊, 砌機課程等等得到各音響發燒友大力支持 (差不多全部滿座), 我們在下半年會再度改良課程內容, 希望更切合大家的要求..

召集課程最先達到最少報名人數要求的便先行開班! 大家留名時亦可說出自己的特別要求, 我們會儘量配合!

2008 7月-12月 第3項課程召集 - UCD 後級製作班

D類後級有着大功率,細Size而音色可比美A類的細緻。市面上亦開始有各款高級D類後級發售如Nu Force, B&O, Jeff Rowland 及Rotel等等。


UCD 一直帶領著Class D DIY amp的潮流, 其質量可與高價品牌相比. 而最近到貨的HG型號, 更被用家極力推薦.


全部Dual Mono套件附UcD 模組*2,變壓器*2,電源組件*2,機箱及配件


名額: 每班最少8名最多12名
有興趣者請在下面回覆, 曾留名者可優先報名

課程費用: 只收套件費用

derek74 發表於 2008-6-5 14:05:29

I am very interested in! Please reserve a seat for me.

spchu 發表於 2008-10-14 02:13:52

This course is still available?

kk_ho 發表於 2008-10-14 12:12:37


Also available:

UCD multi channel for AV amp upgrade such as Denon, Yamaha, Onkyo.

Type A
UCD 400 x 3 for main channel,
UCD 180 x 4 for surround channel.

Type B:
UCD 180 x 10
4 unit for front channel (L,R, bi-amp)
2 unit for center
4 unit for surround channel.

PSU by 1KW Toroidal transformer (500W x 2) and over 60,000 uF capacitor.

Soft start, speaker protector are default build in.

From the comment on diyaudio, the sound quality is better than ICE POWER.

spchu 發表於 2008-10-14 13:34:37

Hi KK Ho,
Can you kindly give me the link for the comparison UCD and Icepower?
For type A, can I also use UCD 400HGHXR x 4 for surround channel and is it need two cases for 7 channels?What is the different(in terms of performance) between Type A and B?
What is the fee for Type A & B and when will it start?

spchu 發表於 2008-10-16 10:35:31

Hi KK Ho,
Can you give me some information about the different between Icepower "1000ASP"x7 or "UCD400HGHXR"x7 DIY Power AMP(in terms of sound & performance)?
Since I really want to DIY power amp to my Denon 4308 and MK S-150 speaker, which one is better?

kk_ho 發表於 2008-10-16 14:03:06


Will send the link to you this week.

Suggest UCD400 for 5 for (Bi-amp at left, right, center)

For surround channel, you can use your 4308 (I remember you can mapping the power amp channel to let surround channel in bi-amp mode, i.e. all of the power amp inside 4308 is driving surround channel)

I am Yamaha DSP-Z11 user, I am using UCD700 x 5 for front biamp + center channel.
UCD400 for 4 surround channel.
UCD180 for Presence channel.

spchu 發表於 2008-10-16 14:35:46

KK Ho,

orpheus 發表於 2008-12-31 10:32:58

interested in this class !!

pls kindly let me know if they are avaiable !!

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查看完整版本: 2008 7月-12月 第3項課程召集 - (3) UCD 後級製作班