saloom 發表於 2007-6-21 20:18:50

wadia digimaster x-32 convertiorecd cd stereo 問題

各位brother您好,小弟是新手一名現請教名位高手,昨日小弟 見網上有人放售一部二手wedia digimaster x-32 convertiorecd cd stereo,現請問名位brother這部機機齡大約有多久及值得購買嗎?購入價格多少錢較合理, 非常期待...... 名位brother解答小弟問題.#-o#-o#-o

heero 發表於 2007-7-25 06:45:56

Wadia seems to produce many classic products that do not fade out easily. Right now the X-32 is still worth USD 400+. If you have a lot of CDs and not SACDs, I think you can't go wrong with a Wadia decoder.

This unit was made in the mid 90s but will still provide stress-free listening experience, and will sound very articulate.
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